Jordan Younger: Finding Balance and Food Freedom after Veganism

Episode 20: Jordan Younger is a 23-year-old health and lifestyle blogger living in Los Angeles. When she isn't writing about health on The Balanced Blonde, you'll find her on the yoga mat, in the kitchen, hiking the Malibu canyons and overseeing her clothing line, TBV Apparel. She is currently working on a book and an app that are also focused on the principles of leading a balanced, healthy lifestyle.I was really wanting to talk with Jordan after hearing about her on Good Morning America when she left her vegan lifestyle to pursue a diet that was more tailored to her needs. She received such harsh backlash from some of her followers, that I couldn't even imagine how tough that transition might have been. It's hard enough to make life-changing decisions on your own, but it's so much more tough when you're in the spotlight and people expect certain things from you. I'm really excited to release this episode because I think EVERYBODY will learn something that can be applied to their own life and experiences. Jordan is so incredibly open and honest, that I think she'll say many things that will stick with you. Her story is not one that you want to miss.Here's what we discuss in this episode:

  • Why Jordan originally started veganism and how being labeled started to control mindset towards food, as well as her life

  • The "aha" moments she experienced that really opened up her eyes to her anxieties about non-vegan foods, weight gain and animal ethics

  • How the beliefs we create in our head overtime lead to invisible, counterfeit consequences

  • Jordan's number one tip for those seeking recovery

  • The importance of yoga for mind body awareness

 Follow Jordan on all her great social media channels:

I also had the utmost pleasure to be on her blog for a segment she's been doing called the Recovery Series. You can read that interview I did with her here: really opened up about my own recovery for this interview, so I hope you enjoy learning a little more about my own food freedom process.[Tweet "Former vegan blogger creates more inner peace, balance and happiness by dropping the food rules"]DON'T FORGET! If you're looking to start your own recovery process, please check out my dear friend Isabel Foxen Duke's free video training series called Stop Fighting Food HERE.Or you can sign up for her free video course by clicking this link: to watch her Stop Fighting Food trailer? (the answer is a resounding YES). Watch it here, and get ready to feel the sweet, sweet fooooood freedom!Click below to listen to Episode 20 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.

And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes 


 (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!). 



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