Hey freedom-seeker, I’m…
The Anna Farris of Spirituality AKA Artist of Love, IG Comedian, Elven Trickster and Spiritual Teacher.
helping you alchemize your drama into dharma, and have some laughs as you step into a liberation you didn’t even know was possible.

Turning water into wine.
Taking everything that feels like shame, frustration, blame, pain... all that crunchy stuff you're trying to get rid of, and making it the path to your most expressive and liberating artistry.
Learn how to harness, be with, and milk the experience of your shadow and you’ll find yourself in your highest dharma. Clear the karma, heal your lineage.
That’s what we do here, we see our shit as art.
Becoming “that woman.”
You're an expressive woman taking up space in the world and doing good work. You were meant for visibility. But you know there's a bigger range you haven't quite accessed yet in order to be "that woman."
You know the one... She walks into a room and you feel her. She's just fully herself, giving no f*cks, and everyone is moved by her, wondering to themselves how anyone can be so effortlessly free.
Her presence is a work of art.
You're ready to be "that woman" with no shame, bringing all of you to your work, your relationship, your online presence, for no other reason than to be all of you.
That’s where I come in…

“You look so free in your body.”
It wasn’t always this way.
I worked for this level of freedom.
I’m an Enneagram 4 with a Leo sun… all that to say I’m inherently expressive AF. It’s who I am.
As a child, I learned that who I was wasn’t allowed. The more I cried, expressed or emoted, the more I was in trouble. I learned that in order to stay safe I had to hide my emotions or numb myself so I began not to feel anything because expressing and revealing, or being vulnerable was dangerous - it became ammo that was used against me.
As I grew into adolescence, I was the “I can’t read you girl.” My somatic body was so incredibly closed off that people couldn’t get close, they couldn’t read me, they could barely hear me, because I could barely raise my voice over a whisper.
That was a recipe for bullying, and that I was. Bullied at school, bullied at home. Nowhere felt safe. And that’s when the self-loathing began… no self-help tools, just shame, isolation and self-hate.
I found something that helped. Kind of…
It gave me a place to channel all the hate. But I still wasn’t really in my body.
I thought women and the female body was gross. Can you imagine… me? So (now) deeply in love with this beautiful feminine form that carries me everywhere I go, that allows me to dance, and play, and remember the truth of who I am.
It was true, I thought I could escape the prison of my body and all the things I didn’t want to feel if I lifted heavy weights, leaned down, ran nine miles a day, looked like a man, and ate 250 grams of protein a day. Addiction, eating disorder… anything to escape my body, the place where all the emotions that I wasn’t allowed and didn’t know how to feel lived.
Starting a podcast saved my life.
Truth was, even though I thought I was healthy, making it on my own, and feeling successful having one of the first solo female health podcasts which was in the top 50 podcasts of all time for years, “Mind Body Musings” — it was having the guests on the show, actual experts, that changed everything.
They helped me.
I realized I not only needed help, I wanted it.
I was recovering.
I dove all the way in and it transformed my life exponentially, and I began to help others do the same.
I found myself in Asia after a breakup, broken open.
I grew up in a very sheltered, fear-based, controlling Southern Baptist community, and this new land opened my eyes in a way I hadn’t been able to see before. There was incense, offerings left at the feet of the Goddess, devotion.
Spirit entered my body.
I was no longer just a body, this thing I could control… I let in the mystery.
And that’s when sh*t popped off.
I found containers that were safe for me to express my shadow, my feminine essence, my wounding. But the real magic was in being witnessed.
This led me to integrate my training in acting, the more sacred theater expressions, and comedy which traditionally had all been kept separate, but I knew this is where liberation lied. I knew it, because I was experiencing it in profound ways.
I went from being a bullied, controlled, manipulated, shut down, self-loathing little girl to a woman that is truly free in her body and expression.

The key was not expression.
It was being witnessed.
You can do shadow work in your bedroom all you want, but it's not the same as when you have a lot of eyes on you.
That’s what makes it edgy.
That’s what makes it real.
That’s what sets you free.
Because when you let people see you, it’s inevitable some won’t get it or they’ll judge it, or get triggered and project that right back onto you. The work is in expanding your capacity to hold everything that comes up when you truly express yourself and not shut down, but allow the freedom of not giving a fuck to fuel the offering of your expression, as art, for the sake of love.
No more habituated patterns, closure, unconscious consumption.
No more believing the lie that you don’t know how to be in your own body.
No more doubting the truth you already know.
No more “no one understands me” or “I’m different”.
No more saying you’re fine, when you’re not.
It’s time to take all that and create art.
It’s time to bring all of yourself into the space: the gargoyle, the parts that have been repressed, the attention whore who longs to be seen. You get to be witnessed, and therefore free. There’s a whole world of magic once we catch the ways we try to protect ourselves from shame and with your heart pounding, and an undeniable terror and thrill of excitement, you meet your fears, and do it anyway.
It’s not therapy. This work isn’t just a space to feel your feelings. It’s a space to DO something with those feelings that’s artful and creative, and allows you to weave a whole new reality of how you relate to yourself and your work.
Because you’re the woman who can express it all.
You don’t hide from the hard feelings, you’re turned on by them, because you know they’re your fuel for creation.
Your vessel is strong enough to hold the dreams that come with your calling.

get to know me with
Are you trying to translate the depth of your soul online, but not having luck (or fun)? Sign up for this exclusive mini-course to learn how to move from uninspired inaction to full blown self expression and free as f*ck artistry, BOTH in the online world and in your life.

While you’re here...
Tune in and subscribe to The Madelyn Moon Show. Artistry, spirituality, money, creativity, power, embodiment and love.
Come play, pray, and practice in a community in service to love and liberation.
Become an Artist of Love with the modern woman’s guidebook to unleash your creativity and become the leading actor in your life.
If you’re into full-spectrum expression, with a side of unhinged artistry for the sake of love and teachings for deepening your practice... you’re in the right place.

Promotional Bio
Madelyn Moon is a leading voice in the world of feminine-masculine relationships, devoted to serving women in liberating their expressive, artistic hearts with themselves, with partners, and with the world.
Her work and story has been featured in hundreds of podcasts as well as various publications such as BBC, The Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, Thought Catalog, Nylon Magazine, The Daily Mail, Vice, Greatist, Men's Health, PEOPLE and ABC News Nightline.
Madelyn is the host of the top 100 ranked podcast, The Madelyn Moon Show, and the author of the best-selling book on conscious intimacy, Artist of Love. She teaches live programs, workshops and courses year round.