Ready to finally come out of hiding, bebe? 👀 Join me for
A FREE 3-day alchemical upgrade, designed to unleash your brave AF artistry. So you can embody your next level creative expression. Get in on this soul-reviving training to blow your creative channel WIDE open (both online and IRL)
Whether you’re a coach, teacher, healer, artist, guide, or heartfelt human, it’s time to bust through your creative, visibility, & expression blocks so you can show up as your most expressed self with courageous conviction — online.
Get down and dirty with all the ways you’ve been hiding your gremlin, trickster, witchy, creative spark in the shadows of fear and doubt. Uncover all the reasons you hold back from sharing the most honest expression of your art (in the online space and beyond), so you can claim confidence & authority over your artistry.
Spoiler alert: the stories that make you feel stuck are the KEY to unlocking your deepest GEMS!
It’s time to embody & embrace ALL the parts you’re attempting to avoid or remove from your creative expression (hint: your drama IS your dharma).We’ll explore how to love that sh*t up until it becomes an embodied expression of your divine artistry.
This is where you get to feel the full blown catharsis that comes from your uncaged creations, bebe! Learn how to make the “personal” “universal” through the art of acting on your artistic impulses. Together we’ll refine what it takes to bring more of yourself forward (consistently) through sacred theatre, enactment, and all the unique to you ways you’ll offer…

Learn how to make your entire life a living expression of your artistry, so you can live as the full-spectrum artist within
If you want to become unf*ckwithable, you MUST be willing to put your ego on the chopping block.
You think the greatest artists of our time gave a flying f*ck about being exiled from the algorithm? (if there even was an algorithm 😂)
You think the most epically moving, alchemical masterpieces came from a concern of being liked or approved of?
You think anything you consider beautiful, awe-worthy, or inspiring came from a place that was forced or edited?
my love I can’t sress this enough... Your artistry is a direct by-product of your willingness to GO THERE.
… to say the thing no one expects you to say
… to be the most outlandish in the room
… to be willing to be disliked, cancelled, cast out as the black sheep of the pack

The unf*ckwithable artist is the one who bows down to NO-THING & NO ONE, other than the whispers of the inner muse, of course.
So if your inner narrative spins webs of sentences like:
… “I just really don’t wanna contribute to the noise of it all”
… “What if no one understands me? I’m afraid no one will get it!”
… “What if they don’t like it (or me) as a result?”
You can be sure you’re giving your sovereign creative power away, and draining your precious life force as a result. You owe it to yourself (and your art) to lay it all out on the altar of expression.
Which means if you’re:
Holding back your full range expression out of fear of being ostracized
Hiding from social media when you *know* deep down you have something valid, beautiful, and moving to share
Feeling like your content is cringe, because you can sense you're not truly accessing your authentic voice and self
Fearful that your art is “too vulnerable" or "out there" and that you'll be labelled as "that girl" who's starved for attention
Paralyzed and not taking action because you feel like you're constantly pressured to create from a forced place
Hella overwhelmed and straight up disconnected from self
This is your permission slip to step into my playground of exploration!
This 3 day life upgrade will show you how to move from uninspired inaction to full blown self expression and unhinged artistry, BOTH in the online world and in your life as whole.
Together we’re going straight to the source of your inhibitions, bebe! AKA, the shadowy realm of what you label as “drama” or “too much” or “not good enough for the gram”, or whatever else is blocking you from bringing your whole self forward.
This is your invitation to invoke your inner muse and become the priestess of your own artistry.

Inside this 3 day alchemical shift, we'll dive into:
All the ways you've been trained to hold back your art as a means to fit in, attenuate to the needs of others, or to "beat" the algorithm
How you can not only lean into the dark realm of your shadow, but learn to tussle it in such a way that it becomes your greatest muse
Somatic practices rooted in enactment, sacred theatre, and embodied expression, as a way of bringing your inner artist ONLINE
The profound necessity of cohesive community, and why being WITNESSED vulnerably in your art is some of the most powerful medicine you could ever receive
YOU are the portal to your own artistic MASTERY
Which means all the things push down, reject, or repress around your art literally holds the key to unlocking deeper levels of mastery, unshakable confidence, and a quality of expression that *oozes* magnetism.
Sound like a realm you feel called to play in?
If you’re a YES, don’t miss this profound opportunity to rewire your nervous system in a way where creative expression feels like organic ecstasy.
meet your guide Madelyn moon
Madelyn Moon is a leading voice in the world of feminine-masculine relationships, devoted to serving women in liberating their expressive, artistic hearts with themselves, with partners, and with the world.
Her work and story has been featured in hundreds of podcasts as well as various publications such as BBC, The Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, Thought Catalog, Nylon Magazine, The Daily Mail, Vice, Greatist, Men's Health, PEOPLE and ABC News Nightline.
Madelyn is the host of the top 100 ranked podcast, The Madelyn Moon Show, and the author of the best-selling book on conscious intimacy, Artist of Love. She teaches live programs, workshops and courses year round.
The Unf*ckwithable Artist is a perfect fit for you if:
You're ready to turn yourself inside out, and FULLY embody all shades of your full spectrum expression
You long to magnetize your *dream* audience, clients, following - and feel completely SEEN
You craaaave conviction and confidence in your artistry and are willing to lay it all on the line in order to confidently stand in your work
Your days of "forced" content or half-assed expression are OVER. It's all in, or it's nothing at all.
You're ready to meet, embrace, and wear your shadow loud and proud
You long to feel SEEN and understood by a group of soul aligned peeps who genuinely get it
You're willing to do the work to create a sustainable practice of weaving your artistry on the daily
This is the 3 day tune up you need, to bring more of your audacious inner creatrix online and available for all to see!

The world NEEDS your art, my love. This is your invitation to be SEEN in all your unkempt glory
If you want to paint the world with your artistry, you gotta lay it ALL out on the altar of expression.
If you don’t have full-bodied conviction. You can ferrrgett about leading others.
And if you don’t lay your ego on the chopping block, you will forever be resigned to feeling hollow in your offerings.
To invoke the un-fuck-with-able within, you need to be WILLING to bring all shades of you forward — the light. The dark. The most unabashed, unwieldy, unhinged parts of your psyche.
You need to be courageous enough to be an embodied, lone nut, committed to your craft.
I KNOW you can summon her. Hold her. Embody her.
Now it’s time for you to believe you can too.

“I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.”