Being the Interviewee, Not the Interviewer

Hey guys!

I hope you had a terrific weekend spending time with friends, family and good food. My parents are in town for a couple weeks, so I’ve been fortunate enough to spend more time with them than usual.

It’s definitely a little bit of a struggle to not have family close by when I need or want them. For the past 5 years or so, I’ve been fairly distant (physically) from them, so it’s great that they are coming to see me in Colorado more and more often.

I know I always say this, but I’m sorry for my lack of blogging. I’m kind of sorry. Not THAT sorry, considering podcasts take 400% more effort to create than a blog post, and I’m getting the feeling y’all kinda dig them. So those are definitely my focus these days, as I’m aiming to release one every single Wednesday. Regardless, I love a written post every now and then and hope y’all do too!

Along with my show and posts, I’ll also be sending out weekly emails to those of you that are signed up to be on my newsletter. This way you’ll never miss a podcast episode, and it won’t take too much effort to find it. You can always subscribe on iTunes too, if that’s easier.

Okay, so for the topic of this blog post I wanted to give you guys a quick list of all the podcasts I’ve been on (some of these go back a whole year!) so that you can hear me being interviewed, instead of me always doing the interviewing.

Some of these, like I said, go wayy back, such as the Kaila Prins “Finding Our Hunger” podcast, as well as the one with Jimmy Moore. I referenced the Jimmy Moore podcast on my last podcast, Episode 19, when Jimmy was on my show, so I thought it would be good for you guys to be able to listen to it and hear where I was a year or so ago.

The ones towards the top are the most recent ones, and as you go downward you will go farther back in time. A couple of them are written interviews as well, such as the first one with the lovely Jordan from the Balanced Blonde.


Check out these interviews about #bodyimage and #health with Madelyn Moon

The Balanced Blonde:

I’d love to know which one is your favourite so I can get a feel for what you enjoy hearing about the most! Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me and help spread my mission. Have a wonderful day and get ready for a new podcast release THIS WEDNESDAY!!! (ahh and I just can’t wait for it!)


Jordan Younger: Finding Balance and Food Freedom after Veganism


Jimmy Moore: Keto Clarity, Living Low Carb and Facing Emotional Baggage