Pumpkin Spice Protein Bites

Have you ever been to Trader Joe’s pumpkin palooza?

It’s palooza-perfection.

No really, I mean it’s dangerous for somebody like me. I typically stop making pumpkin things after winter, and then wait until the next winter until it’s pumpkin season again. Then I go crazy.

Pumpkin is paleo, right?

In all seriousness, I have canned pumpkin, pumpkin tea, pumpkin butter, pumpkin pie spice, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin waffles and of course, pumpkin air freshener.

Since I’ve adopted a much more balanced approach to food, I am now able to enjoy the little things in life without worrying about it. Once upon a time, I wouldn’t have left myself enjoy pumpkin because of it’s sugar content. Or because it came from a can (even if it’s organic, like this one). Or I wouldn’t be able to buy the pumpkin seeds because I knew they’d be too tempting and I wouldn’t want to go “overboard.” Or I wouldn’t allow myself to buy the waffles because 1. It’s wheat 2. There’s sugar 3. It’s not on my meal plan or 4. I already had pumpkin tea that day, and I can’t have pumpkin twice in one day, right?

If this is you, have no fear. You’re not alone. Just take it one day at a time.

This year I am in a completely different place than I was this time last year.

In fact, this time last year my mom sent me a care package with pumpkin goodies (including the pumpkin butter pictured above, as well as a pumpkin baking kit) and I gave most of it back to her because there was sugar and wheat in it.

I’m not pro-gluten by ANY means. I’m pro-balance. And I really wanted those dang pumpkin goodies but I wouldn’t let myself have it!

Looking back and realizing how far I’ve come has made me tremendously proud of myself. I am able to enjoy the small things with my family now. I’m able to eat as much pumpkin as I want without suffering from guilt.

I’m also able to make delicious recipes like the one below, without having to worry about the calorie content.

I’m not saying that I’m going crazy on pumpkin. There’s a deeper message to this, and I hope it was received. But with that said…I really $&%*#$% love pumpkin.

Pumpkin Spice Protein Bites

Yields: 9 balls

60 g vanilla protein (I use B-Strong plant-based protein)
60 g pumpkin (fresh or canned)
50 g sunflower seed butter
4 pitted dates
1/3 cup oats
1 T stevia
2 T almond milk
A huge dash of pumpkin pie spice
A huge dash of cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and place in a food processor. Blend until smooth, and then roll the mixture into bite sized balls. Put the balls on foil or in a baggie, and then stick in the freezer.


Note: These babies can be eaten cold or warmed up. Pop em in yo mouth when you’re needing a small snack to hold you over, after a workout or a before-bed treat. Best served alongside pumpkin tea.

Yum! Check out these delicious pumpkin spice protein bites and give them a go this fall!


What's Your Natural Force?


Jordan Younger: Finding Balance and Food Freedom after Veganism