Why I Decided to Give Up Bodybuilding Competitions & Pursue Real Health

Considering a fitness competition?

I share some of my experience here and explain WHY I’m pursuing REAL health now and forever. Check out this video for more insights into the bodybuilding world, and why I’m not competing in bodybuilding again. (not for awhile at least)

Use this video to kickstart your OWN beautiful journey to loving yourself unconditionally. Next, sign up for your free “Mind Body Satisfaction, Sacrifice-Free” eCourse to learn step by step how to embrace your body just how it is. Simply enter your email in the box on the righthand side of my blog!

I created this eCourse to share the exact process I used to come to terms with my body & mind, just the way they are. Discover your true potential and release the best version of yourself with this eCourse!


Matt Stone: Creating a High Metabolic Rate, Eating With Instinct & the Importance of Rest


Kaila Prins: Creating a Healthy Body Image, Exercise Addiction Recovery and Gratitude