Kaila Prins: Creating a Healthy Body Image, Exercise Addiction Recovery and Gratitude

Episode 1: Kaila Prins is a Health Coach, former vegan and recovering EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified), certified personal trainer, and as she likes to say, a "twenty-something trying to make peace with her inner thirteen year old girl."

Kaila joins me today in Episode 1 of Mind Body Musings with Maddy Moon to talk about an array of subjects that are dear to both of our hearts, including:

  • Triggers for the obsessive and regimented dieter and how to break free from the cycle

  • The controversy of moral righteousness in the health industry

  • Exercise addictions

  • How unfortunate circumstances can be a blessing in disguise

  • Feeling confident in a foreign clothing size

  • Recognizing the difference between being healthy and being lean

  • How paleo can help with anxiety

  • Why being grateful is the key to a happier and "fuller" life

 (Direct download link for the episode is at the bottom of this blog post)

Links mentioned in this episode:

Read Kaila's Blog: In My Skinny Genes

Follow Kaila on Twitter: @MissSkinnyGenes

Listen to Kaila's Podcast: Finding Our Hunger

Find Kaila on Facebook: Finding Our Hunger

To join Trigger Happy Thursdays, all you have to do is enter your email HERE.

Now, are you ready for Episode 1 of Mind Body Musings?

Click below to listen, and please subscribe in iTunes too!


Why I Decided to Give Up Bodybuilding Competitions & Pursue Real Health


Do You Need Diet Recovery?