Sweet Potato Protein Shake

Happy Monday! For me, it’s been a pretty good one…here are today’s highlights:)

First, I made a personal record on barbell curls….65 pounds baybeh. But really, my whole workout was great! I’m loving my new gym and I’ve been making some more fit friends, which is always delightful. Before the gym I mixed a sample packet of Syntha-6 with some almond milk and it was super yummy. Usually I just have my natural optimum nutrition whey but I have a ton of sample packets from different companies that I frequently experiment with. This is one brand I’ve heard a lot of good things about!

And my back/bis workout for today:

Deadlifts- 12, 10, 8, 8
EZ bar curls- 10, 8, 8, 8
Barbell underhand rows- 12, 10, 8, 8
Isometric alternating dumbbell curls- 8, 8, 8, last set a drop set
Lat pull down- 10, 8, 8, 8
Cable curls- 12, 10, 10
Remember to use lots of heavy weights if you’re looking to improve your size!

Back to the highlights….
-I hit 1,500 followers on my Twitter (YAY for being a social media nerd!!)
-I experienced the overwhelming excitement a foodie gets when they make a new delicious recipe and take awesome photos of it.
-The Bachelor comes on in a few hours…anybody else want to strangle Tierra? GO HOME.
-Also, I feel a little better after my allergy comedown the past few days. All weekend I literally just wanted to sleep. I got in a great glute workout Saturday morning but it took all the energy I had to get through it and afterwards I just wanted to sleep for day.

Okay so here is the new recipe I made today that totally blew my mind. It’s extremely simple but still so delicious and perfect for your post workout shake. Sweet potatoes are an EXCELLENT post workout carb and of course you have your whey and calcium in there too!

Sweet Potato Protein Shake

and the things you’ll need…

1 scoop vanilla whey
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
4 oz cooked sweet potato
2 T stevia
A dash of: cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, allspice & nutmeg
1 cup ice

Directions– Super easy- it’s a shake, y’all. Throw all your ingredients in a blender and mix it up! Add as many spices as you want to get the flavour you desire:)

I used a BIG dash of cinnamon, as you can see.

And there you go! Blend it up and watch your muscles GROW. This is going to be my new favourite shake. Now, if only I had that cinnamon bun protein powder…..that would be delicious in this recipe!! What kinds of carbs do you prefer post workout??

– I originally found this recipe on youtube by Michael Kory. Watch his video and find tons of other great bodybuilding meals here.


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