Pizza Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

As much as I wish I could take credit for this incredible meal, I can’t because I was lucky enough to stumble upon it here on one of my favourite food blogs. I don’t know about you, but there’s a special place in my heart for sweet potatoes. On the other hand, there’s another special place for pizza….so what could possibly be more delicious than sweet potatoes stuffed with your favourite pizza toppings?!

Pizza Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (adapted from Health-Bent)


  • 4 medium sweet potatoes

  • 8 oz mushrooms, sliced

  • black olives, sliced

  • 1 lb sausage OR Applegate Pepperoni OR grassfed lean beef

  • 1 onion, thinly sliced

  • Parmesan cheese, finely grated (optional)

  • any other toppings (pineapple, anyone?)

For the Sauce

  • 2 c tomato sauce

  • 2 T olive oil

  • 1 T onion powder

  • 1 T dried oregano

  • 2 t garlic powder

  • s&p

  • Mrs. Dash Tomato Basil

  • A splash of Apple Cider Vinegar (optional)


Set oven to 400ºF. Prick your sweet potatoes and place them on a baking sheet. Let them roast until their insides are soft, about 30 minutes. You can also microwave them if you’re in a time crunch but oven-roasted generally has a better flavor. While the potatoes are roasting, whisk together the sauce ingredients. Taste and adjust to your preferences.

In a large saute pan, crumble and brown the sausage or choice of meat. Remove the meat from the pan, reserving the rendered fat. Toss in the mushrooms and onions. Let them cook until the mushrooms have browned and the onions are soft. Once potatoes are done, slice them in half (lengthwise) and loosen the potato’s insides with a fork.

Ladle a few spoonfuls of sauce on top of the sweet potato, followed by the mushroom/onion saute, meat and olives. If you’re using Parmesan, add a little cheese to help glue everything together. Put them back inside the oven to reheat.

Bon AppetiteHave you made any new meals this week? Please share!


Sweet Potato Protein Shake


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