Stasia Savasuk: Change Your Style, Change Your Life

Episode 255: Stasia Savasuk is a Vermont-based personal stylist, teacher, and body-positivity advocate who ushers women from feelings of insignificance, body shame and a perpetual state of why-bother, into radically embracing who they are, what they want, and how they show up in the world. She is the founder and creator of Stasia’s Style School, an online empowerment program that has helped hundreds of women reconnect with their soul-fire and live a life of courage, confidence, and congruency.  Stasia believes that true style cannot be dictated by role, income, size, age or gender, but instead must be a reflection of who you are on the inside. She believes that style - how you show up in the world - matters. She should know. It’s changed her life, and it’s changed the life of her 12-year-old daughter. In fact, it was her daughter that taught her about Inside-Out Congruency, a concept that has since changed the lives of thousands of women. Stasia loves traveling, hiking, camping, and exploring… usually in a dress, lipstick and big earrings.Show notes:

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  • Why Stasia doesn’t follow any of the punctuation rules when she writes.

  • What sparked her desire to go to a surf camp.

  • Why Maddy doesn’t feel connected to her clothing and the changes she plans to make to feel connected again.

  • Stasia’s TedX Talk:

  • Her tips in finding your own personal “style box.”

  • The beautiful life-altering style lessons that her daughter, Raisa, who has physical visible differences taught her. 

  • “The only place that you can figure out your own style is going inside, doing the work and finding the clothes that match that.”

  • Getting dressed is a spiritual practice because you’re saying who you are and how you show up in the world. 

  • Styling our bodies to go outside in the world versus styling our bodies for ourselves. 

  • Because getting dressed is something we do every day, we might as well do it intentionally.

  • What does it mean if you wear the same things all the time? 

  • When you get dressed, connect to that place that’s never been wounded, aka - your soul fire.

  • Why Stasia has a very minimalist closet with only 2 pairs of jeans.

  • If your clothes don’t feel good, you shouldn’t own them.

  • You can find clothes that feel cozy and connect you to your inner vixen.

  • Indulgent clothing leads you to an indulgent lifestyle.

  • Why she chooses to get dressed every morning even though she works from home.

  • How to be creative financially with your style with thrift stores.

  • It’s rare that Stasia's outfit costs more than $25.

  • The article of clothing that she chooses to spend her money on.

  • "A thrifted wardrobe is the best wardrobe because you’re not attached to the cost of it."

  • Must-read book: Essentialism by Greg Mckeown

  • The True Cost Documentary:

Connect with Stasia:

Do you feel disconnected from the clothes you wear? Learn how to find your personal style and regain your connection. #mindbodymusings"


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