Jamie Wollrab: Vocal Chords Are Pathways to Power

Episode 254: Jamie Wollrab is a jack of trades in the voice and movement arena.  He has worked extensively at New York’s Actors Movement Studio under the guide of Lloyd Williamson. He also studied the Michael Chekov Technique for two years with Lenard Petit, and the Linklater Technique for four years with Nancy Mayans and Peggy Loft. He has recently been mentored by Master Voice Teacher Stewart Pearce for 7 years. Jamie has an MFA from Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University with William Esper.  He has also studied extensive embodiment training with John Wineland for the past 5 years.  He is currently working on hit television shows and films as a dialect and vocal coach. He has taught voice and embodiment workshops for the RAMA Institute, Sheila Kelly's S Factor and many others. He is the Artistic Director of Triptych Theatre and a member of IAMA Theatre based in LA.

Show notes:

  • Feminine Spirit School - Registration closes on Sunday, May 26th https://maddymoon.com/feminine-spirit

  • All of our work is combining the power of our intention (masculine) and the quality of my energy (feminine) — you can’t have one without the other.

  • The “quality of our energy” defined.

  • A beautiful question to ask yourself: “What does this moment need?”

  • “Whatever comes up in life, make room for it.”

  • Why the sound of our voice is important for non-actors.

  • The importance of the 5th chakra for the sound of our voice.

  • When we’re not connected to our voice, we can be disempowered and not authentic. 

  • The voice is the one thing that connects the inner world to the outer world.

  • What happens to the body when the throat chakra is shut down.

  • What Jamie has learned from his female clients and why he trains them to have a relaxed face.

  • “You don’t have to smile for me.”

  • The bridge between the heart and the face is the throat, which is the sound.

  • When the head and the heart are disconnected, it’s normally because the throat chakra is out.

  • How to be more conscious of the instant response of smiling.

  • What it looks like to smile with your whole being.

  • Our ultimate goal is to become grounded and open.

  • Summoning our inner queen energy and loosening our jaw.

  • Stewart Pearce's work: http://www.stewartpearce.com/

  • How to follow through with our words (i.e. our intention)

  • Graduate vs. divorce; breakup vs. evolution — How one exchange of a word can shift everything.

  • Your choice of words can be inclusive and restorative, or they can push someone away.

  • If our voice comes from our heart, it will enter our partner’s heart.

  • Hearing the difference between when we’re in our head vs. our heart.

  • Men crave vocal variety.

  • Sound can create instant attraction.

  • “I don't have to guess what you’re feeling, I know it from a sound. With sound, we don’t need words.”

  • Must-read book: Dear Lover by David Deida https://amzn.to/2MjHEM3

Connect with Jamie: 

[Tweet "Feeling disconnected from your heart? Learn how sound can help connect you again. #mindbodymusings"]{FEMININE SPIRIT SCHOOL} 8 deep weeks focusing on: the Feminine and Masculine energies, sensuality, sexuality, surrendering, opening, shadow work, nature, healing family wounds, boundary setting, breathwork, creative writing, movement practices, connecting with Mother Earth and above all, discovering your truth. Create Your Own Feminine Flow, Fire and Freedom. Learn more and sign up: http://maddymoon.com/feminine-spirit


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