Fresh Ideas to Mix Up Your Spirituality Self-Care Toolbox

Episode 179: Have you been using the same tools in your self-care practice for years? Are you ready to try a few new things?I am a huge advocate of self-care, as it is a tool I use to practice my self-love. Self-care is self-love, but self-love is not only self-care. In today's podcast episode I'm going to give you a tremendous list of self-care practices I use in my life. Please note, I do not do all of these practices on a daily basis. I stick to 1-3 of these tools daily and in order to make sure I'm doing things that are truly fueling my energy for the day, I consistently let go of practices that no longer serve me.Always keep in mind: the best self-care ritual is one that you're going to do. It's no brainer that if your practice isn't fun or fulfilling, you won't want to do it, so make sure that everything you do is aligned with how you want to feel for the day. If it's not enjoyable, don't do it even if all the other self-help gurus in the world say it's the best practice everrrr! Create a self-care practice that makes you happy. Period.Show notes:

  • Three important things to know before you jump into this episode

  • An easy assignment to keep in mind as you soak up these new self-care practices

  • One way I decide what I want to do (and if I want to do it at all) is to ask myself: does this make me contract or expand?

  • The types of crystals I'm loving lately and how I use them

  • Click HERE to check out the book I mention in the podcast, Crystal Muse, and to listen to the episode I did with the authors, Heather and Timmi, click HERE

  • Palo santo: why I love it and how to use it (buy from Amazon HERE)

  • The mindset that I have towards these woo-woo type tools

  • How candles have the power to help you tap into your rest // relaxation and cozy-vibes

  • Some documentaries I love that have helped me connect to my desire to make the world a better place

    • Examples: The True Cost, What the Health (I'm not vegetarian by the way), The Human Experiment, I am Not Your Guru, The Masks we Wear

  • Why I purchased a plant when I went through my last breakup (and how it continues to satisfy my yearning for nurturing love!)

  • Goal-writing during the New Moon, Full Moon or beginning of the month

  • Why massages are a consistent self-care gift I give myself (and it also satisfies my love language: physical touch)

  • Other forms of body work: ROLFing, reiki, sensory deprivation tanks, saunas, chiropractic work

  • Why I'm all about getting pedicures and manicures

  • Vedic Meditation: what it is and how it's been changing my life for the better

  • Some more self-care tools I mention in this episode (you must listen to the actual episode to understand why I include these!): coffee dates with girl friends, reading, tarot cards, movement, self-dates, free-flow gratitude writing, physical touch/connection)

  • The non-negotiable self-care rituals I do every day...for now

  • Want to get a free audiobook from Audible? Go here:

  • Get my workbook Freeing your Feminine Spirit HERE

  • Get the free audioguide 4 Pillars of Femininity for Perfectionists HERE

Connect with Maddy:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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