Londin Angel Winters: Being a Leader of Love, Messages from the Cervix and Remaining Open-Hearted in Relationship

Episode 178: Londin is an international spiritual intimacy teacher.She and her life partner, Justin Patrick Pierce, teach the Yoga of Intimacy, a body of work designed to help others create a life of unbridled loving and sacred relationship.As part of helping women and men to deepen in intimacy, Londin uses serpent medicine. She has raised four temple snakes and uses them in sacred ceremony to help others awaken to their sensual power.Londin also has a background as a fitness champion and certified exercise specialist, and brings that expertise to sacred intimacy by helping women reclaim feeling good in their bodies.Ultimately, everything she offers centers around helping others shine their light, open their hearts and most importantly, love like they've never been hurt.She offers public and private trainings to couples and singles around the world, as well as books, online courses and regular interaction through her FB group "Sacred Relationship."Show notes:

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  • Londin's experience growing up in a conservative household, going to an all girl's catholic school and following a typical Midwestern upbringing until she realized she had a part of herself that was eager to finally be released. This is how she became a Spiritual Intimacy teacher.

  • How she approached her new path to her parents with an open, soft heart- not defensive and closed.

  • How to communicate with your parents in an honest way so you can strengthen communication between you two, rather than cover it up with sarcasm or passive aggression.

  • Becoming the leader of love by showing up in your relationship as honesty and truth.

  • You don't always have to explain why you're triggered....you just want to show.

  • When you're arguing with someone, you may feel your body close (physically and emotionally). One of the most important things during these times is to "do the yoga" in the conversation, meaning opening your shoulders, breathing and remaining open.

  • Allow the flow to pass through your body in all instances, even when your natural instinct is to stop the flow.

  • When you close your energy outwardly and inwardly, that's when you become "invisible."

  • The difference between trusting someone in general and trusting someone in every moment.

  • The power of listening to the messages you receive from your cervix

  • If you're making the decision to sleep with someone just for fun, and not for a relationship, these are a few things to keep in mind moving forward.

  • If you have to reduce depth in your life, you're going to reduce the depth of what you attract.

  • "You would be so much better off being a friend to your inner yearning."

Connect with Lodin:

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