Kyle Lipton: Healing Sexual Trauma, Jealousy in Relationships and Sharing Your Truth Vulnerably

Episode 177: Kyle Lipton is an Intuitive Transformation Coach who truly leads with love and is committed to transformation and evolving consciousness. With an interesting back story of living in basically 2 homeless shelters, dealing with sexual trauma early on in life, being in the world of personal development since age 15, working for mentors in this space who have reached millions and millions of people in the world combined, Kyle Lipton is a gifted intuitive who has supported many people in transforming their lives.Show notes:

  • How Kyle tried to prove his significance through sports when he was really just craving the presence of his father (and in pursuit of validation fell into perfectionism/over-thinking)

  • The sexual trauma Kyle experienced at age six and how he healed the trauma seven years later

  • The importance of not resisting the thoughts you are having

  • How people can appreciate sexual exploration even when they were raised in a conservative household that repressed it

  • God is unconditional love- really let this set in. (UNCONDITIONAL, Y'ALL!)

  • The power of sharing your story vulnerably for others

  • The current "insecurity" that Kyle is feeling and moving through with his current partner

  • Why Kyle has created a business that's not caught up in the hustle/bustle of website details, funnels and all the other marketing tools that don't resonate with him

  • Not everyone is going to understand and want your Truth- and that's totally fine. Share it anyways.

  • Let your next level be your NOW level.

  • "Your capacity to love is your capacity to have your heart broken." -Rumi

  • Must-read book: Gene Keys

Connect with Kyle:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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