Boundaries: What it Means to Choose YOU

Episode 176: People-pleasing is a debilitating habit. It can keep powerful women from playing big, creating businesses, forming the relationships of their dreams, protecting their sacred space and so much more.One extremely important quality of the Divine Masculine is the ability to set boundaries. A Warrior does not spend his entire life people-pleasing, for he has major tasks to accomplish and goals to see through. In this podcast I'm going to teach you how to summon your own Warrior so that you can begin to protect your energy, time and body.Boundaries are not easy to create if you're not used to them, but over time it will become more fluid if you are consistently acknowledging your own worth and value in this world.Show notes:

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  • Your ability to set boundaries is rooted in your self-worth

  • Setting and being firm in your boundaries is a part of your Divine Masculine // Inner Warrior

  • The distinction between the Social Self and the Professional Self

  • The Social Self was created by your parents from birth; your Professional Self is the version of you that you get to create

  • How people-pleasing can keep you from being a power coach, leader or healer

  • How I used to throw my own boundaries to the wayside at the beginning of my coaching practice

  • The two sides of setting boundaries: 1. Making requests of others 2. Doing what's best for you regardless of what others do

  • The importance of having standards/boundaries in dating

  • Must-read book: Boundaries by Henry Cloud

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{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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