Nadia Munla: Getting Into Your Heart and Out of Your Head Through Dance, Sensuality and Body Wisdom

Episode 180:  Nadia Munla is a Health & Embodiment Coach who guides women to sensual nourishment and embodied power by helping them reconnect to their own body voice. She is immensely passionate about supporting women in their journey back to their embodied essence so they can feel vibrant, alive, feminine & free again.Through her one-on-one coaching, Embody dance classes & Embody teacher training  Nadia has guided thousands of women across 5 continents on their journey back to themselves. You can find her at or join the conversation at The Embody Tribe FB group.Show notes:

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  • How Nadia created an antagonistic relationship with her body early in age because it never truly felt like they were on the same side (her knees didn't allow her to do ballet, digestive issues, relationships with men).

  • The "bandaids" that Nadia used to use in order to make her feel worthy, and how she let go of those one by one.

  • Sometimes harmless habits are methods of masking deeper issues (social drinking, birth control, pain killers, coffee).

  • How to choose your actions based on short-term pleasure and long-term pleasure.

  • Getting more into your heart and out of your head.

  • Breaking down limiting beliefs like: emotionality is weak, play is unproductive, our eroticism is dangerous and our body wisdom is a woo-woo concept.

  • How to incorporate your feminine energy even when you have a masculine-driven career.

  • "What makes you succeed in business can make you fail in love."

  • When you find a partner you really love to be with, it's because you really love YOURSELF with them. You love the version of you that this person brings out. Even when you're choosing them, you're choosing you.

  • Creating a harmony with your own Femininity/Masculinity so that you attract the type of partner you want. Example: stepping more into your own ability to surrender if you want someone who can easily be in control and take the "front seat" so to say.

  • Creating and cultivating safety for yourself first before looking for it in another person; becoming your own mirror.

  • The all-too-common fear of allowing yourself to get "too" happy and joy-filled for the fear it will be taken away

  • Stepping more into the darkness so your relationship with darkness changes

  • Using embodied dance to let emotion pass through your body physically (and what to do if you're always overthinking during dance)

  • Must-read book: Written on the Body

Connect with Nadia:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE

{RETREAT} The Feminine Surrender: A Weekend Haven for Restoring Trust, Love and Expression is approaching. Sign up to be notified of the next one HERE.


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