When Healthy is No Longer Healthy

Episode 35: Hey hey what's up everybody! I just returned from my trip to Kauai and I immediately decided to create this podcast with a message that I find very important.One of the most difficult things for people to resist when they are cultivating body freedom is the desire to fall back into old patterns of being "healthy" in the eyes of others. Or, they could be in a very impressionable state where simply hearing about healthy food or exercise makes them want to jump back on a treadmill and eat some kale.If this is you, listen in to today's episode to discover five ways to break free from unhealthy health.Here's what I discuss in today's podcast:

  • Experiencing body freedom in Kauai

  • What it means to be unhealthy when striving for health

  • Stop labeling yourself

  • Speak up when others label you

  • Respecting your story

  • Doing what makes you feel exceptional

  • Remember that life is short.

  • The Healthy Get Summit >>> http://bit.ly/1zn8PXv


The Healthy Gut Summit is absolutely FREE from February 9­-16, 2015 and you can sign up here: http://bit.ly/1zn8PXvYAY.The Healthy Gut Summit will teach you to:● Understand the rise of chronic disease and the symptoms that signal their presence.● Learn how your environment affects your gut microbiome.● Receive practical advice about dealing with diet, stress, toxins and parasites.● Speak with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment!I like these kinds of summits because they provide good information. I don't take everything they say as LAW by any means (especially when I hear low this or low that, no this and no that) but I like learning about different perspectives and science-y things. Ya know?Today's featured Mind Body Musings Sponsor:My favourite bar in the world. QUEST BARS!

  • 1 gram of sugar per bar

  • 13-17 g of fiber

  • 20 grams of protein

  • Absolutely delicious

Click below to listen to Episode 35 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast!

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 (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!). 


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