Making Goals, Emailing Strangers, and More Things I Do To Promote Self Growth

Episode 71: Today's show is all about growth. I want to share with you the ways in which I constantly promote holistic growth in my life, some of which include making goals and emailing people I look up to. You can apply all five of the things I do to promote self growth to your own recovery and healing journey because they are the same things I did when I was in the throes of orthorexia to help myself heal.Let me know which one is your favourite my commenting below!Show notes:

  • Why I reach out to 5 new people per week

  • The importance of setting long-term and short-term goals

  • Putting your goals in a place you can see them every day

  • Goals in regards to ED and body image

  • The amazing app, evernote

  • How reading can influence your healing process

  • My current relationship with my comfort zone

  • Ways to expand your horizon (and why you should)

  • A new change in the podcast & my business

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What Happened When I Reached My Goal Weight


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