Katie Farrell: Recovering from an Eating Disorder and Finding Your True Identity in Christ

Episode 75: Katie Farrell is the author of Dashing Dish, a healthy recipe website and ministry to help women find their true beauty in Christ. Katie is a registered nurse from the state of Michigan where she lives with her high school sweetheart and husband of five years. Dashing Dish is a combination of Katieโ€™s greatest passions in life...Teaching women to find their identity in Christ, and ending misconceptions about healthy eating. Katieโ€™s desire is to inspire women find the balance between spiritual and physical health, all while enjoying the journey!Show notes:

  • How Dashing Dish became Katie's passion-driven career

  • Where Katie's eating disorder first originated and how it progressed

  • The intervention that changed Katie's path drastically

  • The spiritual steps Katie took to overcome her ED

  • The power of scripture stickies around your house

  • One of the biggest obstacles Katie faced when she began intuitive eating

  • The powerful work Katie's book Devotions for a Healthier You has been doing (find HERE)

  • The detrimental effects social media has on all of us

  • The day Katie came to terms with the fact that her body is her body and God made it specifically for her

  • Her favourite recipes on her website!

 Connect with Katie:

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