Hanna Bier: Accessing Your Inner Priestess and Remembering the Lady of Communion Within

Episode 159: Hanna Bier is a Soulful Success Coach for brilliant, heart-centered women who are ready to live beautiful lives while building soul-aligned businesses or careers that have a world-changing impact.She helps passionate souls discover their life's work, rock the divine mission they are here to lead and live the beautiful and rich lives they dream of! Hanna is a Mentor Masterclass certified Coach, Emotional Healing Expert and Priestess Of The Divine Feminine.Show notes:

  • I am in Alabama! Every year we have a family reunion that happens for one week on a private beach.

  • The cutest story about my grandparents and how they ended up being 5th car to pass the historic bridge to this beach

  • Want to have a taste of the Four Sigmatic, the mushroom drink mix that is causing a lot of hubbub? Go to foursigmatic.com and use the code “maddy” to get 10% off your purchase. (The hot cacao mix, the Viking mix or the coffee mushroom mix is a must try! It is amazing with almond milk, butter, coconut oil or cinnamon!)

  • Come to Mexico City with me August 3 – 8 to refurbish a primary school, workshop and play in the jungle in a Mayan temple! Put down your deposit HERE. (watch THIS video for more!)

  • This the 2nd time we have Hanna on here. The 1st time was magic​!​ Listen HERE.

  • Hanna is my soul sister in a lot ways and thanks to the internet, we can be buddies and keep the connection through all the distance separating us.

  • Hanna had to go through a difficult upbringing before she awakened the goddess within her.

  • She was the product of a custody battle at a young age, a victim of rape at 7, developed eating disorder at  9, suicidal by 12 and on therapy by 14. She graduated, started fashion school and eventually found herself with an alcohol addiction.

  • Hanna’s journey from simply existing but not really living and not being able to face the music to what she has become now has been very inspiring and relatable. Being told that you are worth it and that someone cares is different from realizing and accepting it yourself.

  • How did Hanna learn the deeper meaning of life and spiritual healing? What was her life as a coach like? How did keeping connected to the pain help her growth?

  • What are the goddess archetypes?

    • Different flavors of goddesses, different lenses, and different flow states that exist.

    • The source of energy through a feminine lens

    • 13 faces of the goddess

    • Hanna illustrates how to facilitate awakening of the Lady of Communion!

    • Past family trauma is one of the things that can get in the way of accessing your inner goddess. Hanna teaches us how to let go.

    • Doing things differently will lead to self discovery and self awareness around where you want to go // what you want to do in life

    • Success looks different for everyone.

    • Must-read book: Gaia Codex by Sarah Drew

Connect with Hanna:

{COACHING} Ready to break limiting beliefs + Take your self-worth to the next level? Apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE.{RETREAT} Want to join me in August for a LIFE-CHANGING trip to Mexico City?


Join me, this August 3-8 2017 as I lead a group of men and women on a 6-day experience in impact work, reflection, and cultural immersion.First, we’ll spend two days revitalizing a primary school by repairing damaged infrastructure, painting murals, planting gardens, teaching English, and playing games with the students.


Then, we will head to the jungles of Tepoztlan, Mexico: known as the birthplace of the ancient Mayan God Quetzalcoatl.

Here we’ll take two days to reflect and reconnect, with a carefully-crafted agenda of meditation and yoga, Mayan Sweat Lodge ceremonies led by a local Shaman, chakra therapy pools and a walking labyrinth meditation, hikes into the hills and healthy meals shared onsite.

I will be joining the trip as a facilitator, where I will be leading workshops on manifestation, making a difference in the world, playing bigger and so much more.



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