Giving Up Control & Things I'm Loving Lately

Living in Boulder has been the most amazing thing that could have ever happened to me. Sometimes, to be completely cheesy and honest, I don’t even think it’s real life.

I have things so good. I have an amazing job, I have a group of great friends, I live near mountains that I can see just outside of my apartment, oh and I actually have a great apartment, I have a wonderful CrossFit gym with amazing people, my parents visit me from Texas monthly, and last but most importantly, my health and happiness have aligned for one of the first times in my life.

I am no longer wishing I was living here, or looked like this person, or acted this way. I am completely unconditionally in love with where I am in life and I’m not afraid to actually say it. One thing I have noticed lately is that things are so great that I’m almost waiting for something to go wrong. I’m waiting for my apartment’s walls to cave in, to break a wrist, to start obsessing over my diet again, to get my heartbroken, and all that nonsense. The truth is, sometimes when we have things so good we can’t admit it because we’re afraid.

I’m not the first to admit, I’m a little afraid.

But what I’m glad about is that I realize that I’m doing this. I know that these thoughts and fears are illegitimate and a part of being human. I know that I actually have nothing to be scared of and it’s actually just my innate desire to control. I know longer obsess over my diet and need to control my body, so that desire to control is trying to find somewhere to live. And IT WILL NOT WIN.

I can see these things from a mile away now, and that too, is glorious. I am no longer the victim. I get to decide what rules my life and my mind, and I am 100% capable of stopping it in its wormy little tracks.

With that said, I challenge you this week to identify the need to control in your life. Is it trying to live somewhere that it so obviously isn’t welcome?

If so, you need to kick it out. It’s not easy, and I’m never going to say it is. But once you learn that happiness really is a choice, and that life will always be “out” of your tangible control, than you can finally relax and enjoy the ride. Start aiming for that goal today, and you will be there soon enough my friend.

On a completely less emotional and less serious note, I wanted to compile a list of things I’m absolutely loving lately.

1. Cellucor Peanut Butter Marshmallow Whey

Yes, I said peanut butter and marshmallow…together.

I have been looking for a great new whey lately, and Cellucor sent me a nice little gift package of goodies to taste test. Inside were some other products, such as aminos, a pre-workout and an awesome vortex mixer, but this was my favourite.

They also provided me (and my readers) with a discount code to use on their website for 25% off all purchases. Use CELLUCORFIT at checkout to get a purty little discount and some Peanut Butter Marshmallow Whey of your own.

2. SFH Super Omega-3

Whaaaat, Madelyn, another supplement?

Okay wait give me a minute. This stuff is ridiculous.

Fun fact: 1 teaspoon of this equals 12 fish oil capsules.

Let that soak in. A coworker of mine introduced this to me and I’ve been obsessed ever since. We’ve been doing an intense squat program at CrossFit, so I’ve been loading up on the fish oil to maximize recovery. This stuff doesn’t exactly taste like the peanut butter marshmallow whey shown above, but it sure does help me with my lifts. To help it go down more smoothly, I take a swig of vanilla almond milk, take the teaspoon, and then follow it immediately with some more almond milk. Kind of like a shot, I suppose.

Full disclosure, there are a few fish oil burps that follow but not too many. Just give it a try, I know you’ll dig this product if you’re lifting regularly.

3. Pumpkin dresses for Nina.

I say that as if I have multiple for her, but this is the only one. Regardless, I’m obsessed. She’s already the prettiest like brown-eyed girl I’ve ever loved, but on top of that, she is the the most adorable girl there ever was inside of a pumpkin dress.

I found this as Safeway for ten dolla. STEAL.

4. Ahnu Montara Boot Nubuck

I was recently sent these Montara Boot Nubuck shoes by Ahnu to review for my blogski, on behalf of Fitfluential (as always, all opinions are my own. I was not paid to write this review).

Naturally, I was really excited to receive these shoes because 1. I live in Colorado. And 2. I live in Colorado.

I mean, hiking shoes are a necessity for the mile high dwellers, and I’m embarrassed to say, I hadn’t invested in a good pair yet!

When I got these boots, I was immediately impressed with the style.

Most hiking boots are a bit drab to say the least (you know, the plain tan ones?) but they are always durable and purpose-serving. These on the other hand are pretty adorable, and I fell in love with the colors.

This made me wonder…does that mean the durability will be any less? Will its feet-supporting features be just so-so?

Nope, not at all!

Here’s how they describe the shoes on the website:

Montara Boot is a mid-height light weight hiker. With Vibram outsoles and eVent waterproofing, the Montara Boot can handle packs up to 40lbs and also perfect for day hikes. Lace-up versatility, waterproof-oiled leather, a suede quarter panel and a rubber toe and heel provide a stylish, comfortable fit for the town or the trail. The Montara features Ahnu Numentum® HIKE technology engineered to center and guide the foot, promoting a balanced, even stride.

I couldn’t agree more. If you’re looking for some new boots for hiking, give these a shot. The price may seem a bit steep ($160) but they’re not steep for good hiking shoes that will last a long while.

5. This denim bag

Not sure what it is about it, but I really love this side bag. There’s a little thrift shop on Pearl Street in Boulder and I found this there and been obsessed ever since. It’s really 80s methinks.


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