Joe Salama and Jason Goldberg: The Tao of Paleo

Episode 23: Joe Salama is the President of Paleo Publishing, publisher of The Paleo Miracle: 50 Real Stories of Health Transformation, the Producer of the Ancestral Food Summit, contributing writer for Paleo Movement Online Magazine, and one of the Administrators of the International Paleo Movement Group on Facebook.Jason Goldberg is a writer, blogger, mud racer, martial artist, and a heavy metal transport specialist. He mentors newcomers to the Paleo lifestyle through his "Paleo Padawan" program. His first novel, Pilot Error, will be published in early 2015. He lives on the East Coast with his son, Joseph, and a sun conure named Woodstock.Together, they crafted the Tao of Paleo, a creative book that teaches you in a playful manner how to eat, sleep, play and exercise the way humans are supposed to. They give you the tools you need to create the right mindset and attitude towards a paleo lifestyle.These guys are awesome. I can't wait for you to listen in.Here's what we discuss in today's episode:

  • What the "tao of paleo" means

  • How being dogmatic, judgmental and stressed is not a part of paleo

  • Why eating a paleo diet is beneficial for purposes other than just weight loss, and is backed by concrete science

  • Top 3 mistakes people make when starting a paleo diet

  • Gluten free products- are they really paleo friendly?

  • Why being low carb is like "sticking your head in a tub of jello for six days"

  • What it really means to have adrenal fatigue

  • The connection between sleep, light and hormones

  • Being free from distractions

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