Why Everyone Needs a Coach

Episode 278: Do you want help in going after your dreams—the ones that you feel are totally unobtainable, but keep burning within you? Do you want to get better at the work you do? Do you want to finally take that plunge and move across the world? Whatever your big desire is, hiring a coach can help you obtain it.In this episode, Madelyn Moon discusses why everyone needs a coach to obtain the life you truly desire. Coaches are the reason why people are taking their dreams seriously. When we put down our money to hire a coach and declare to the Universe that we're ready, a beautiful, transformative journey begins. The Universe meets you halfway with your desire and helps you bring your dream to fruition. If you've got a dream—a vision, a burning desire, this podcast episode is for you.

Show notes:

  • "Finding expanders in life" - a coined term by Lacy Phillips 

  • Madelyn’s journey with her first coach.

  • How Madelyn was able to afford a coach that was out of her price range at the time.

  • Why she coached 20 people for free.

  • “I trust that when things are not perfect—that's the way they're supposed to be.”

  • “Every time I have made an eternal leap, the universe has rewarded me.”

  • Currency is the root word of 'current' - currency is supposed to be flowing. 

  • Energetically, when you clamp on your money, you’re clamping on the flow.

  • Money is like germs—you just wash it off and it comes right back.

  • The missing part in manifestation is the action.

  • Sometimes spending money is meeting the universe halfway. 

  • The online courses that Madelyn created.

  • Why she finally felt confident to do retreats.

  • Coaches are the reason why people are taking their dreams seriously.

  • “When we’re about to make a change, we’re hyper-aware of the loss.”

  • It’s not about the time that we’re spending with a coach—it's about the impact, which can take place in less than a minute.

  • Must-read: You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero https://amzn.to/34SMnIV

  • Must-read: Time Warrior by Steven Chandler https://amzn.to/2rwwKsc

  • Must-read: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert https://amzn.to/2NAtMvu

  • The art of calendar blocking and how it's changing her workflow.

  • “Because you pay the money, you take the coaching more seriously.”

  • Why Madelyn will forever have a coach and an investment in her life.

  • Email me - hello@maddymoon.com

  • When you spend an amount that’s larger than what you might normally do, look at all of the reasons why that investment is deeper than the physical amount.

Connect with Maddy:

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COACHING: receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. Apply here: http://maddymoon.com/coaching

FEMININE SPIRIT SCHOOL: this school is the one-stop-shop for all things feminine energy! If you’ve been wanting to embody the feminine but feel stuck on the how, this program will take you through the entire realm from start to (well…we’re never really finished, are we?). Learn about the feminine/masculine, shadow sides, ancestral healing, boundary setting, empowerment, sensuality and sexuality, sovereignty and so much more. Sign up here: http://maddymoon.com/feminine-spirit

EMBODIED ARCHETYPE RETREAT: unlock parts of yourself that you’ve been shaming, blaming or hiding for too long. Learn how to integrate your “shadow sides” so that they not only feel welcomed in your life but they also create more love, peace and feminine/masculine harmony. Apply: http://maddymoon.com/events


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