Courtney Davis: Crystal Wands and Tantric Exploration

Episode 279: Courtney Davis is an entrepreneur and a guide for women on the path of sexual & spiritual awakening. She is the founder of The Empowered Woman, an online platform providing education & high-quality products to support women to heal from sexual shame, trauma, & conditioning while awakening their pleasure & power. Courtney Davis believes in radical self-permission and her highest joy is guiding others to live their full potential by first guiding them home to themselves. She is known for guiding women into reconnection with their emotional body rather than bypassing it, and believes this to be a major key to women’s sexual empowerment.

Show notes:

  • Feminine Spirit School—the one-stop-shop for all things feminine energy starts soon! Sign up:

  • Courtney's experience with S-Factor and why she moved to New York City.

  • The foundation of her sexual empowerment work and why she got started.

  • The creation of her crystal pleasure wands and how they promote sexual healing.

  • Madelyn’s favorite is the glass cervix serpent:

  • Madelyn’s deep surrender practice with the serpent wand.

  • Courtney’s experience with receiving a yoni massage from a private mentor.

  • How do you know who you can trust your body with?

  • Her six-month tantric experience.

  • What is the “trauma vortex?”

  • Courtney's core qualities and why she resonates now with femininity than masculinity. 

  • “Anything that is truly uncomfortable, is masculine.”

  • “The whole tantric world is not all bliss.” 

  • The self-beliefs that she’s been on a mission to heal and shatter.

  • Why she may move out of the sexual healing space eventually.

  • Her preference for monogamy.

  • “Commitment can create a lot of safety.”

  • “Getting in touch with the deep feminine longing while we wait for our masculine is really beautiful. You meet more of yourself by being present to that.”

  • “It’s a beautiful practice to not have what you really want.”

  • Sensitize yourself to the fact that you don’t have it—allow yourself to be sad and angry. Do not desensitize yourself to that.

  • “The irony is that when we meet all the uncomfortable parts of ourselves without needing to solve them, the more deeply we can meet another because that capacity is there.” 

  • To buy your own wand for 10% off, use this link or enter code MADELYNMOON at check out:

Connect with Courtney:

COACHING: receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. Apply here:

FEMININE SPIRIT SCHOOL: this school is the one-stop-shop for all things feminine energy! If you’ve been wanting to embody the feminine but feel stuck on the how, this program will take you through the entire realm from start to (well…we’re never really finished, are we?). Learn about the feminine/masculine, shadow sides, ancestral healing, boundary setting, empowerment, sensuality and sexuality, sovereignty and so much more. Sign up here:

EMBODIED ARCHETYPE RETREAT: unlock parts of yourself that you’ve been shaming, blaming or hiding for too long. Learn how to integrate your “shadow sides” so that they not only feel welcomed in your life but they also create more love, peace and feminine/masculine harmony. Apply:


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