Why Your Body Isn't Really Yours

It’s true, your body isn’t really yours. It’s not yours to keep. It’s merely a gift that you’ve been given TEMPORARILY for your stay here on earth.

Personally, I don’t obsess over my body anymore, trying to perfect it, mold it and make it into something “perfect.” Not only is perfection subjective and unattainable, but more importantly, my time is precious. I’m sick of wasting it on a body that will one day turn to dust.

Aren’t you?

Adopt the mindset that your body is merely your earth suit. It’s a beautiful, incredible, magical wonder that you can use to make the most of the one life you’ve been given. Yes, take care of it and treat it well. Respect it. Honor it. Use it for the greater good. But don’t obsess over it. Don’t waste your precious time focusing on meeting society’s always-changing, impractical standards for beauty.

If you want more, check out my YouTube channel for weekly videos HERE.

Your body isn’t really your own. Watch this video to find out why. #bodyimage #selfimage


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