5 Food Challenges for Orthorexia Recovery

Episode 86: In this episode of the Mind Body Musings Podcast, I talk about five challenges you can give yourself as you go through orthorexia recovery. I know from so much personal experience that one of the most difficult things about recovering from orthorexia (or any eating disorder for that matter) is branching out, trying new foods and giving up control.I'm going to challenge you to try one or all five of these challenges sometime this week...grab a friend, go out to eat and give up control.In the second half of the podcast, I talk about things I'm loving lately. I cover the music, books, food, and movement I'm loving these days- see all links below!Show notes:

  • Sign up to get my book Confessions of a Fitness Model for free HERE

  • Challenge #1: Don't look up the menu before going to a restaurant

  • Challenge #2: Let somebody else else decide where you eat

  • Challenge #3: Eat a bite of somebody else's meal

  • Challenge #4: Pray before the meal (show some gratitude)

  • Challenge #5: Get a latte instead of a black coffee....come on y'all! Live a little!

  • Big Girl by Kelsey Miller

  • Pogo (an amazing artist I'm loving right now)

  • My Celestial Seasonings vlog

  • My new book (of course I had to add this one more time)

  • Eating something sweet every day (dark chocolate, Lenny and Larry's cookies, peanut butter)

  • Hot yoga- CorePower and YogaGlo

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