20 Practices That Will Set You Free

Do you have a stubborn, frustrating, or even poor relationship with your food and body? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s hard not to with the endless social media messages being thrown our way in magazines, television shows and overall media. They’re constantly trying to hook us with their dieting schemes, new fitness routines and “perfect bikini body” ploys, hoping we fall for it and buy their product.

To end this cycle, you’re going to have to stand up to the social norms and decide for yourself that it’s time for a change. It’s going to require some effort, but in the end you’re going to be in a much better place mentally, physically and emotionally.

Here is a compilation of 20 tips that will help you find peace with your food, body and exercise routine. If you struggle with eating, or if you have a disordered relationship with your body, give these tips a shot. You might be surprised how greatly these suggestions will improve your outlook on life and health.

1. Don’t diet.

That means no meal plans, calorie counting, macros, or off limit foods. If you’re allergic to something, that’s different, but don’t cut something out of your diet from fear or the desire to restrict.

2. Explore love.

The desire to binge eat, or avoid eating at all, often cultivates a poor relationship with others or social gatherings where you can meet others. Try dating or opening yourself up to new relationships. If you’re already in a relationship, spice things up. Get creative.

3. Find a new hobby that’s not related to cooking or physical exercises.

Learn a new language, pick up an instrument, make something with your hands, or grow a garden. Just find something to do that doesn’t revolve around food or fitness.

4. Eat whatever you want whenever you want without limitations.

Yeah, that’s scary. But do it. You’ll discover that you are no less loved than before, and soon the forbidden foods will lose their magic.

5. Think about why you love those that you love.

Is it because they’re thin? Is it because of their abs or defined, long legs? No? I didn’t think so. You love people for who they are on the inside, and people love you for the exact same reason.

6. Get a dog.

Seriously, I can’t even explain how much dogs help you move past your body obsessions. All of a sudden you have somebody to look after, who might just become more important than your mission to create the perfect body. They make you smile, laugh, and love. They also make excellent cuddle buddies. Lastly, a dog will never love you any less for how to look.

7. Get the **** off social media.

Stop following accounts and pages that make you think you’re any less perfect than you are. If you’re addicted to looking at people that live lifestyles you wish you had, you’re not doing yourself any favors. Unplug and start living.

8. Buy clothes that make you feel good.

Do you buy clothing that’s too small for your current body, hoping it will encourage you to lose weight? Stop that. That does not encourage you to fulfill your amazing human potential and it degrades your self worth. You’re way more than a size small, or a 4. Buy clothes that look good on your now, because you deserve it.

9. Escape.

Sometimes we need to get away to de-stress and re-prioritize, even if it’s just to a bed and breakfast in the next town over. Stress can be a trigger that makes us want to control different aspects in life such as food, weight or exercise. Escaping and relaxing can help all of us to calm down and give ourselves the care and attention we deserve. Go for a trip, small or large, and pamper your precious soul.

10. Trade the gym for outdoors for one month (at least).

If you’ve been working out in a gym for years and years, it’s time for a break. If you work out solely for aesthetics-related reasons, it’s time for a break. If you have a hard time putting anything else before the gym, it’s time for a break. How we feel about our bodies is strongly related to our eating habits, stress levels and overall health. Taking a break from the equipment, and spending more time outdoors is greatly beneficial, and dare I say, necessary.

11. Incorporate yoga and meditation into your daily routine.

Yoga makes you slow down, and appreciate your body’s ability to move and balance. Meditation forces you to spare a few moments to stop what you’re doing to reflect, relax and simply be quiet. If you’re the type of person that doesn’t like slowing down and doing yoga, then you’re most likely the exact type of person that would benefit from it the most.  Just give it a try.

12. Compliment others more.

Seeing the beauty in others, making strangers smile and being kind to your neighbor is extremely beneficial for your heart. Not only does it brighten their day, but it also improves yours.

13. Journal.

Journaling is a great way to express your thoughts, emotions and feelings without having to put too much thought or effort into the writing process. It’s actually best to not think about it at all, but to rather write exactly what you want to at that very moment. You can also try blogging or video blogging if you want to share your experiences with others.

14. Say yes more.

It’s really easy to get into the habit of saying no to things that sound like too much effort, too much out of our comfort zone or a experience that will make you feel vulnerable. There are a million and one reasons not to do something, but it’s up to you to recognize the one reason to do something. Go to the party, ride the horse, do the handstand, buy the book and eat the food. Just try it. You may find yourself with a new passion, friend or memory.

15. Enjoy more books, audiobooks or podcasts in your spare time.

Instead of listening to music in the car, enjoy a podcast that will leave you feeling inspired and encouraged. Instead of watching TV at night, get lost in fiction. Try to avoid reading about the topic or subject that might be consuming your mind already (nutrition, fitness, health, etc.) but read something that’s totally frivolous and enjoyable. When you listen to podcasts, seek out ones that will give you valuable and useful information you can incorporate into your own life.

Here’s a list of my favourite books (my first recommendation is You Are a Badass). And then check out my very own podcast here.

16. Throw away the scale.

Throw away the food scale and your body weight scale. You don’t need either of them to live a happy, amazing life. In fact, they can often ruin the best of days for absolutely no reason at all. A food scale is good for understanding how to eyeball food at the beginning, but you have no reason for it after a few weeks. Your bathroom scale is pointless at all times. Improve your body based on your health and how you feel, not how much you weigh.

17. Sleep at least 8-10 hours a night.

You might need even more sleep than this. It’s possible you can function with less. But without a doubt, science shows that sleep is directly correlated with quality of life and happiness. Start going to sleep just a little bit earlier, and make sure the quality is solid. If you’re waking up several times throughout the night, take actions such as cultivating a more peaceful sleep environment, cut back on the caffeine, or get a sleep mask. Sleep is crucial for having an optimal mind-body relationship.

18. Say thank you when you receive compliments.

If somebody compliments you, don’t you dare say “This old thing?” or “Ugh, I’ve always hated my nose, but thanks.” Instead, accepted your compliment politely and show appreciation for their words. They meant their words, and whatever they said is true. So enjoy your compliment!

19. Wash your body with just your hands…and soap.

Skip the luffa. Washing your body with your own hands is a pretty intimate experience and can help you to appreciate your body on a daily basis. This is a habit I’ve developed over the past few years and it’s helped me to slow down and fully enjoy the simple pleasure of a hot shower.

20. Be more aware of self-talk.

If you’re walking around all day telling yourself that you’re not pretty, you’re too big, you’re stupid, you’re a failure, etc, then you’re going to start believing it. I repeat: If you tell yourself something enough times, you will believe it. The same applies for positive self-talk. If you tell yourself over and over you’re a success, you’re amazing, you’re worth more than what you weigh, you’re in control, and you’re perfectly made, then you will believe it. Start talking to yourself with kind words, encouragement and love. This, above all, will improve your mind, body and spirit connection.


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