Sydney Ross Singer: Dressed to Kill and the Study of Culturogenic Diseases

Episode 15: Sydney Singer isn’t afraid to challenge social norms for the sake of health and longevity. He and his wife are the directors of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease located in Hawaii. He is internationally recognized for his revolutionary research linking breast cancer with the wearing of tight bras, which he describes in his book, Dressed To Kill.

Syd goes further beyond researching the correlation between bras and breast cancer and dives into other cultural causes of diseases, such as migraines, Alzheimer’s, stroke, glaucoma, sleep apnea, thyroid disease, obesity, diabetes, and much more.

This was an extremely insightful episode so please soak up the knowledge we're fortunate enough to hear!

Here's what we discuss:

  • Syd's discovering on the correlation between lymphatic constriction and breast cysts

  • 70% of breast cancer can be explained by the bra

  • My own bra-free experience

  • Your body is your hardware, and your instinct level is your operating system

  • Why you don't need a bra, even if you're big breasted

  • Why you actually get sore breasts before your period

  • Choosing exercise that's right for your body

  • The Susan G Komen boycott

  • Why breast size and obesity is not an excuse for pre-menopausal women

  • Dateline's financial interests and how it holds them back from exposing the truth about bras

  • Thermograms

  • Why Syd didn't complete his MD

  • Sun screen and cancer

  • The highest site on your body for skin cancer

  • The correlation between dysplasia and tampons

  • Menopause and sweating

  • The danger of holding in urination and other forms of elimination

  • Just how much gas is "normal"

  • Genetically modified enzymes

  • The way you're sleeping may be killing you

Want to stay in touch with Sydney Ross Singer and the amazing research he's doing?

Click below to listen to Episode 15 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.

And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes HERE (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!) Enjoy!



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