The Only Course That Teaches You How to Express Your Online Artistry, Expand Your Creative Vessel, and Be Recognized By The World

Body of Art

The biggest request Iโ€™ve received through sharing thousands of teachings and artistic theater online is thisโ€ฆ

How do I do what you do?

In other words:

How do we pull through the wild, deep, uniquely creative expansiveness of who we areโ€ฆ and share it online? 










Consistency Artistry Hilarity Truth Resonance Poetry Playfulness Depth

The truth is, while so many of us want this kind of online presence and expression, we also resist itโ€ฆ

  • We feel exhausted just thinking about having to show up online every day

  • When we think about posting, we often donโ€™t know what to say, or get stuck with the best way to express it (in writing? a reel? a viral trending audio? funny or serious? quick or beautiful?). Itโ€™s overwhelming just writing this.

  • When we see a lot of what โ€œworksโ€ out there, it just doesnโ€™t feel like us

  • When we do post, thereโ€™s not much interaction and itโ€™s incredibly deflating and demoralizingโ€ฆhow on earth can we compete with all the noise?

  • We are secretly afraid of being seen, canceled (!), judged, or shocking or upsetting peopleโ€ฆespecially people we know.

And yetโ€ฆ

If you arenโ€™t sharing your work online, how will new people find you?

And even if people did stumble across your blog, magically land on your podcast, or get referred by a friendโ€ฆ

When they go to search for you online (because hello, we all do that), would they find the real, wild & wise, true you?

We need to see you.

We need to hear you.

We need to feel you.

Hereโ€™s the truth:

There are a ton of courses out there that help people be more active online, and they all fall into one of these 3 categoriesโ€ฆ

โ€œLetโ€™s get you generating lots of contentโ€

These courses get you out of your own way and churning a ton of content regularly. But what they lack is an orientation to our own embodiment, and placing our artistic expression at the forefront, which leads us toโ€ฆ

  • Feeling like weโ€™re saying a lot but it doesn't resonate

  • Feeling a dead-weight pressure to continuously produce from somewhere forced vs. emergent 

  • Having a militant or anxious drive for consistency, rather than the enthusiasm of having something to express. 

โ€œLetโ€™s nurture your authentic expressionโ€

These courses get you connected to your own values, desires, and feelings. But what they lack is the fire to bring through our expression and share it, which leads us toโ€ฆ. 

  • Feeling like weโ€™re doing a lot of navel gazing but not a lot of actual sharing and posting

  • Feeling like we have to share every personal aspect of our lives, so the spotlight is on us instead of our work, and we have no privacy

  • No real momentum towards our goals

โ€œLearn how to beat the algorithmโ€

These courses are super tactical and usually paint-by-numbers strategy based.  What they lack is any deep and meaningful realness or artistry, which leads us toโ€ฆ. 

  • Feeling hella overwhelmed and disconnected

  • Feeling like weโ€™re robotically playing a video game vs. expressing ourselves and connecting in enlivening ways

  • Nauseatingly victimized by the algorithms, because umโ€ฆ canโ€™t beat the algorithm; thatโ€™s not how it works 

None of these courses teach you what you actually need to be successful online.

But thatโ€™s not what this is. This isโ€ฆ

Body of Art

How to cut through all the online noise and be seen, heard, and felt with profound magnetism.

โ€œMadelyn holds such a warm, wise and authentic spaceโ€ฆโ€

โ€œMadelyn holds such a warm, wise and authentic space for everyone to explore and heal all parts of themselves through creativity and theatre. I am leaving a more confident, whole and inspired woman than just a few short months ago.โ€


For years, I have taught women the embodiment & relational practices that made wild, expansive unbound expression possible.

This is the first time that I am inviting you into an incubator where I teach you those embodiment practices, and guide you to create and share that embodied artistry online.

Together, we will fan the flames on your deepest impulses to express, and collapse the time between idea and creation.

And we will do it without you having toโ€ฆ

  • Share your private life online

  • Spend your life on Instagram

  • Keep up with algorithms and whatโ€™s trending

  • Make social media your job

  • Post on every platform

  • Do it how other people do it

Instead, you willโ€ฆ

  • Feel the relief and thrill of being deeply recognized by others for your magic and your work

  • Feel fully expressed in your artistry online

  • Have the confidence and courage to โ€œgo thereโ€

  • Unhinge your range, and free yourself from the good girl cage

  • Live with a powerful flow of creative energy

  • Find yourself posting with ease and consistency

  • Give people a felt experience of you, in a way that has them understand your work and be eager to work with you


Body of art

The Only Course That Teaches You How to Express Your Online Artistry, Expand Your Creative Vessel, and Be Recognized By The World

October 15, 2024 - December 10, 2024

Sessions are live each Tuesdays, from 11 AM - 1 PM CST, and combine teaching, facilitation, assignments, and group coaching.

We will also have an online community space, where session
recordings will be posted, conversation will be shared and feedback will be given.

You Will Learnโ€ฆ

Your Body As An Instrument



bridging idea
to action

creative content homeplay



with the muses

meet your teacher

Hi, Iโ€™m Madelyn

Embodied Expression & Feminine Leadership Teacher for Women

I know how to get you back into alignment when all the bright shiny tactics distract you. Iโ€™m here to help your soul find its deepest liberation through innovation, expression, and sacred theatrics.

Iโ€™ve been supporting women through their journey into deeper embodiment, expression and love for over ten years. My work has been shared in hundreds of publications, including The Huffington Post, Menโ€™s Health, Nylon Magazine, Teen Vogue, Psychology Today, The Daily Mail and People Magazine and Iโ€™ve taken thousands of women into their own feminine-masculine polarity through in-person programs, retreats, classes and more. Are you secretly a wild woman ready to burst out of the confines of your creativity cage? Youโ€™re in the right place.

โ€œMadelynโ€™s container drew me out of the choke hold life had on meโ€ฆโ€

โ€œMadelynโ€™s container drew me out of the choke hold life had on me, and offered a big step in my journey toward more depth and liberation in my creativity. I wanted to love and the love showed up in beautiful ways. My expression has stretched itself wide and with a laugh. I feel a renewed surety that life is bringing more goodness, pleasure, and ease with all the passion I bring to it. Madelynโ€™s vision is a powerful portal towards a more expressive, juicy, enlivening love of self and other.โ€


Letโ€™s Make Damn Good Art.

Join Body of Art before October 12th to receive the special early pricing and save $1000.


(Regular $3500)

Pay in Full



(Regular $1280)

vip option

Get the most out of this program with a 60-minute creative expression session with Madelyn.

Go through your videos, writings, stories and/or anything you want her eyes on to explore your embodied range in your work, and be doula-d into your soulโ€™s deepest form of expression.


(Regular $4500)


  • Tue Oct 15

    Tue Oct 22

    Tue Oct 29

    week break

    Tue Nov 12

    Tue Nov 19

    Tue Nov 26

    Tue Dec 3

    Tue Dec 10

  • Each call will be about 2 hours, though we ask you to save an extra 15 minutes of padding in case we go longer.

  • There is no level that is โ€œrequired.โ€ That said, this will serve you best if you do not become a bystander. Part of your work will be to find your โ€œtotalโ€ in each assignment so that you can end the brutal cycle of all or nothing, and learn how to lean into a creative flow that is governed by your heart rather than paint-by-numbers strategies.

  • Yes, you will be in community in a private Mighty Networks group where you can give and receive feedback, post homeplay assignments and create friendships across the world.

  • There are no refunds, and you cannot cancel a payment schedule. Pleasure ensure you are fully ready to commit to this program in full integrity before joining.

  • Yes, men are more than welcome to join Body of Art!

  • Great! We love diversity. Remember, this program is not about strategy. You can apply everything you learn in Body of Art in any online channel of your choosing.

โ€œI am having more fun than ever, which allows me to get my message out.โ€

โ€œI was drawn to Madelyn's work because I'm moving towards teaching investing and being SEEN teaching investing. Many fears and stories came up and I felt myself losing so much life force energy suppressing my authenticity, ie. weirdness. For better or worse, I am a quirky, hot mess of a single mom and what I told myself was: who wants to learn investing from a woman who forgets to pay her traffic tickets? In working with Madelyn, what's shifted for me is that it's now more important for me to show up authentically, warts and all, and it's all for me! I am having more fun than ever, which allows me to get my message out. Thank you Madelyn, for helping me let my freak flag fly!โ€