Weight Loss Unlocked: The Paleo Woman's Solution

Are you sick and tired of suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and not finding any answers?

My amazing, genius friend Stefani Ruper from Paleo for Women has just created the program of a lifetime. The program that everybody wishes they could have, but has never existed.

You can go straight to her website and read about it from Stefani herself here: http://bit.ly/1ygM1t1

Or you can keep reading below to find out more.

Let’s rewind. Do you have PCOS? Do you know what PCOS is?

If you’ve been dieting for years, you may have some form of it without even knowing it. I know I did.

Here are some common PCOS scenarios:

  • Maybe you get on the scale and look down at the numbers every morning, and you keep gaining weight, no matter how hard you try.

  • Maybe you aren’t overweight, but you’re confused about the best path forward for you, since you know you have PCOS but no one ever talks about PCOS for normal or underweight women.

  • Maybe you don’t have a period or never know when the next one is going to come.

  • Maybe you no longer fantasize about weekends in bed or even find your partner’s massages arousing, and you struggle to enjoy physical pleasure.

  • Maybe you tweeze your upper lip every day, because if you didn’t, you’d have a mustache like your brother’s.

  • Maybe you are not fertile. You don’t know if you are ever going to be able to have a baby. If you have some of the symptoms I just mentioned, you probably are not. Women who have PCOS are infertile until they overcome it.

These are the major symptoms of PCOS. You might not have all of them, but you probably have at least some, right? I know how you feel. PCOS sucks.

To be honest, I haven’t had a period in almost a year.

A whole year.

Because of this…

As cool as this picture is…it’s not cool.

Getting to that level of leanness has caused my healthy hormone levels to say “see ya!” and go poof.


I’ve lost my period more times than I would care to admit.

But now, I’m so grateful to Stefani Ruper for combining all of her PCOS research and knowledge into a program accessible to every one.

Weight Loss Unlocked: The Paleo Woman’s Solution is a weight loss program for women that combines the smart science of paleo with the rarely discussed but crucial science of female physiology. Relevant femaley topics discussed include:

  • How appetite fluctuates with the menstrual cycle

  • How water weight fluctuates with the menstrual cycle

  • The relationship between estrogen, progesterone, and insulin sensitivity

  • The effects of birth control on fat burning

  • The one common birth control pill that causes weight gain and the six varieties of the pill least likely to do so

  • The impact of fasting on women and how to do it safely

  • How to optimize thyroid health and speed

  • Why stress reduction is crucial for women’s health and weight loss

  • The best way to adapt fitness routines to the menstrual cycle

  • What to do for weight loss during menopause

  • The truth about the weight and hormones effects of soy, flax, and other food estrogens

  • How vital it is for women to eat a certain amount of fat and carbohydrates both every day (usually)

  • Why some women do better on low carb diets, and some women actually do better on low fat diets… and how to know which one you are

  • How to physically and psychologically support a healthy appetite

  • The mental approach to weight loss that is peaceful, happy, and sustainable

And of course a ton of other stuff you should know, like paleo diet basics!

If you’re tired of PILLS AND PRESCRIPTIONS failing you time and time again, maybe it’s time to give something more practical a chance.

I dare you.

Check out what’s included…

A big ol’ whopping book full of the science of weight loss and how to do it

  • Several supplements, including:

  • The Serving Size Guide

  • The Low Carbohydrate Food Prep Guide

  • The Low Fat Food Prep Guide

  • The Nutritional Label Interpretation Guide

  • Paleo On-the-Go Tricks and Tips

  • The Paleo Woman’s Smoothie Book

  • The Body Image Remix by Summer Innanen (an amazing chic like Stefani)

Losing weight can be frustrating. It can be a constant battle just on it’s own, but it’s even more frustrating when you have something like PCOS holding you back from reaching these goals.

Please, never feel like a failure for not losing weight – PERIOD. But on another note, if you really want to lose weight but can’t because of PCOS, don’t feel bad for not being able to lose that stubborn weight- it’s obviously not something you can control.

If you’re tired of having a terrible sex drive, then again- it ain’t yo fault!

Sign up for this program and receive this incredible information instantly: http://bit.ly/1ygM1t1

Don’t let the frustration of PCOS linger any longer. Find your answers today.

Are you ready to take control of #PCOS for good? It also starts with HERE! #paleo “


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