Drew Manning: What It's Like to Gain 75 Pounds on Purpose

Episode 32: Drew Manning, a natural fitness junkie and devoted personal trainer, had never been overweight in his life. His clients on the other hand, ranged in weight as well as motivation. Drew had a difficult time understanding why they couldn’t seem to make the same kind of progress he himself had experienced and why they continued to crave junk food, something Drew never had a problem with. In his attempts to understand the psychological aspects of weight loss and junk food, Drew decided to do something pretty drastic.

For six months, he radically let himself go. He stopped exercising and ate nothing but the typical American diet of fast and processed foods. Not surprisingly, he ended up gaining 75 pounds and found himself sharing his story nationally on Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, and The Tonight Show.After gaining weight, Drew devoted the next six months to losing the weight as quickly as he had gained it. What started as a physical challenge became an emotional and mental wake-up call as he set out to become fit again. In his book Fit2Fat2Fit, Drew reveals the practical takeaways and profound insights of his yearlong journey. With startlingly honest stories, Drew shares his vulnerable experience with everybody that is willing to learn.Here's a recap on what we talk about in this episode:

  • What Drew decided to do when he was tired of the disconnection he had with his clients

  • The biggest challenges Drew faced putting on 75 pounds

  • The typical American diet Drew adopted during his weight gaining venture

  • The science behind food quality

  • There are a lot of ways to get a six pack without being healthy (...so, so true)

  • Creating humility and empathy by being judged by others

  • The gluten-free Fit2Fat2Fit

  • Drew's honesty about dysmorphic thoughts and how he's developed more contentment

  • Top tips for a successful transformational journey

  • Drew's number one tip for strengthening the mind body connection (this is a good one!)

Here's where you can connect with Drew:

Click below to listen to Episode 32 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast. And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes HERE (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!).  Enjoy!


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