Trish Blackwell: Learning to Fuel Your Life With Confidence, Not Compulsion

Episode 103: Trish Blackwell is committed to inspiring others to live with more confidence, health and happiness from the inside out. Particularly passionate about bringing hope to those who struggle with negative body image, eating disorders, or confidence issues, Blackwell has become the leader on image issues in the fitness industry. Personal trainer, author, podcaster, and app publisher, Trish inspires her community to conquer life with confidence.Blackwell is the author of Building a Better Body Image: 50-Days to Loving your Body from the Inside Out, a 50-day journey to living happier and healthier. Trish spends her free time running, surfing and snowboarding with her husband Brandon Synan and baby girl Ellie. She loves unicorns, coffee, and the color pink.Show notes:

  • How Trish developed a 10 year long eating disorder that she "hid behind a smile"

  • The "ah ha" moments Trish experienced abroad in Europe

  • Learning to be "well in your skin"

  • How Trish teaches her personal training clients to love their body and find confidence within, instead of finding happiness in their external appearance

  • The difference between compulsion and confidence/compassion

  • Why Trish does not follow any fitness accounts on social media

  • The long period of time Trish took time away from cable (and what she learned from it)

  • "Fitness" has no requirements, rules, or guidelines- it can literally be doing daily household chores like laundry and cooking! Fitness is just movement.

  • The two things you can do to supercharge your confidence now

  • When you're present, it's nearly impossible to be insecure

  • What her book The Skinny Sexy Mind actually means (it's not that skinny = sexy)

  • Must-read book: As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

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