Reclaiming the UNcivilized Man with Traver Boehm

Episode 338: Traver Boehm knows men. How they think, what’s behind their behavior, and most importantly — their unique challenges in the modern landscape. Traver is the founder of the UNcivilized Men’s Movement, the fastest-growing men’s movement in the world. He is the author of Today I Rise, and Man UNcivilized as well as a two-time TEDx speaker, men’s coach, and podcaster.Drawing upon an eclectic background ranging from professional body-guarding and Mixed Martial Arts to a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and meditation, Traver counsels men, women, and couples on how to better understand men’s mental health and relationship difficulties.In the last episode, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Traver Boehm, and for this one, we have changed spots. In this episode, Traver is here to talk to us about The UNcivilized Man Reclaim. You will hear and learn about primitivity, relationships, safety, and much more!Don't miss this episode and start to become the UNcivilized man this world needs.

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Show notes:

  • Opinions like "I will rather be a sacred slut than an empire-building girl boss" can make women angry, thinking that we are against each other when it is not.

  • As women, we are used to fighting for acceptance, which is exhausting. But -- we have nothing to prove to them.

  • The inspiration behind The Uncivilized Men's Movement is the primitive man dealing with unexpressed emotions and pain.

  • One of Traver's passions is to help men connect their emotions and feelings to something bigger than themselves so that they can be a better person.

  • Traver wants to thank every woman who's bought his book and spread his message.

  • With power comes great responsibility, and being in a man's body does bring great power. In other words, don't apologize for being born as a man. Do something good with it.

  • The Uncivilized Men Movement's mantra is to let others feel safe as you walk among them.

  • Biology exists, and it needs to be recognized. For that reason, no matter how many books we read and how much money we make, our biology has to be tended to.

  • What can we do for men? Encourage, celebrate and support them.

  • All men have a green light and a red light inside of them.

  • A couple fighting to be in the alpha role will cause harm to the relationship. As a result, it is going to be a power struggle and a pissing contest.

  • For Traver, the depth of the word "safety" is something he had to learn by himself. Now, he helps men to comprise and create it.

  • Traver Boehm is perplexed by the state of our culture. Right now, he feels people are digging their heels against the pendulum — a kind of middle ground unto itself.

  • "The women are the message spreaders of the world."

  • Traver feels that as the dominant in the room, men are responsible for the women. That is to say, men must take care of them.

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