When It's Time to Quit Your Healthy Habits

Every day we’re presented with new opportunities, possibilities and choices. By one o’clock in the afternoon, we’ve already made a hundred or more decisions. Our brains are constantly being worked, stretched, measured and molded.

It’s no wonder that all of these decisions we have to make start to stress us out. Combine that with an hour on the treadmill, screaming children, a calorie restricted diet, poor sleep and a domestic argument and you have a recipe for depression, adrenal fatigue and unbalanced hormones.

When life starts to spin out of control, when decisions start to become overwhelming and when our bodies aren’t metabolizing food the way we want, that’s when we make the decision to “take matters into our own hands” and start a new diet. A diet that will actually work, we think.

It’s no wonder that these diets “don’t work” for us. It’s the last thing our bodies need. When we are over-worked, under-fed, over-stressed and under-appreciated, our bodies naturally stop burning calories at a desired rate in order to save energy.

I always tell my clients something that never ceases to surprise them. I tell them the truth. Your body doesn’t know the difference between a domestic fight, a run, a calorie restricted diet, a screaming child and an overdue bank statement. It’s all stress.

As a result, your body will treat all of the above occurrences as stress. It doesn’t know that running is considered “healthy” even though debt is considered “unhealthy.” They are all the same to your body.

So why is it any surprise that running an hour on the day results in metabolic damage, and then debt results in poor sleep?

Don’t you think it’s time that you start to limit the amount of stress in your life?

I’m going to tell you something I wish somebody told me a long time ago. Just because something is glamorized as “healthy” or dressed up with the words “will power” doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Just because running and lifting weights is considered fitness, doesn’t mean it is to you. Just because running and lifting weights is considered fitness, doesn’t mean it’s your fitness…especially if you have a million other things going on in your life.

Maybe, just maybe, your fitness is an afternoon nap. Maybe, just maybe, your health is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of an organic, grass-fed chicken breast with a side of steamed broccoli.

Maybe what your body needs is the polar opposite of what society says.

That is a scary thought. But why?

Because not everybody will be on board. You can’t expect everybody to admire your ability to eat a PB&J…in fact, you can expect that they might even roll their eyes and mutter under their breath that you have no “will power.”

Are you okay with that?

If not, I understand. This isn’t easy. As humans, we want people to see us as the exceptions in the world. We want to be admired for our busyness, our clean eating, our will power, our ability to never miss a work out, and our ability to juggle family life with our social life and personal life.

We so badly want to be seen as perfect.

But what happens when this life you’re living starts to catch up with you? When these healthy habits start to destroy your metabolism and mental health?

If this is you, it’s time for you to recognize your body’s cry for true health. It’s asking you to prioritize the important things in life. It wants so badly for you to go against the grain and…start eating grains! Or make up new guidelines for yourself in regards to “health” and “fitness.”

Your body wants you to eliminate the stress. Especially when society’s version of “healthy” isn’t your true calling. Start by honoring your body and then continue to respect yourself by signing off of social media, where you can compare your health to somebody else’s. Stay in your own little world. Get comfortable in it. Find out what you need the most to be healthy and thriving

If you feel this message is an important one and you’re ready to cultivate your own version of health, let me help you. Download my free book 10 Proven Steps to End Any Diet Obsession, and learn how to create your own life free from pressures from the world. Get that HERE

Then share this message with a friend! Email it, pin it, Facebook it, tweet it, and print it! Do something to help somebody else feel that they can take their life into their own hands once again.


Summer Innanen: Rock Your Body Image


Brandon Epstein: The Four Pillars of Fitness