Tara Mohr: How to Play Big and Discover Your Inner Mentor

Episode 85: Tara Mohr (pronounced T-A-R-R-A-H) is an expert on women’s leadership and well-being. She helps women play bigger in sharing their voices and bringing forward their ideas in work and in life. Tara is the creator of the Playing Big leadership program for women, which now has more than 1000 graduates from around the world, and of the global Playing Big Facilitators Training for coaches, therapists, leadership development professionals and other practitioners supporting women in their personal and professional growth.Her book, Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead, named a best book of the year by Apple’s iBooks and now in paperback, shares her pioneering model for making the journey from playing small—being held back by fear and self-doubt—to playing big, taking bold action to pursue what you see as your callings. A Coaches Training Institute-certified coach with an MBA from Stanford University and an undergraduate degree in English literature from Yale, Tara takes a unique approach that blends inner work and practical skills training. Her work has been featured on national media from The New York Times to Today Show to Harvard Business Review, and has captivated women from all walks of life including Maria Shriver, Jillian Michaels and Elizabeth Gilbert.Show notes:

  • Why Tara started teaching women about self-doubt and playing bigger

  • Why Tara's inner critic showed up in her life when she was going to write for the New York Times

  • How to win against your inner critic without combating it

  • The importance of never asking yourself, "Am I ready?"

  • The Inner Mentor Visualization (buy the book to get this meditation!)

  • Your inner mentor is a "North Star" not a final destination

  • The small steps you can take to become more like your inner mentor

  • Criticism is telling you information about the person criticizing, not you.

  • The two different types of fear: yirah and pachad (you definitely want to learn about this)

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