How I Shed My Fit Chick Label, Gave Up Perfection and Left Bodybuilding for Good

Episode 104: In this podcast episode, I replay an interview with Alexa Schirm of Simple Roots Wellness Radio where I'm the one in the hot seat! I don't do this on my own show very often, but I knew this interview was GREAT and would appeal to you.We dive deep into my background and story, how I recovered from my body image obsession, how to overcome the fear of letting go, how to understand health is not a number, and so much more. I hope you enjoy this episode, and please let me know if you'd like more like this in the future!Show notes:

  • An update on how I've been transitioning to my new life in Thailand

  • One of my new favourite blog posts Suffer from Orthorexia? 3 Reasons to Eat Out Every Meal

  • Why I was obsessed with making my body smaller and smaller as a young adult

  • The first time I was introduced to the concept of using food and weight as a coping mechanism

  • The period of my life I went from being an ethical vegetarian, to a weight-loss obsessed vegan, to an exercise addict, to a party-hard drinker and finally a bodybuilder

  • The irony of being interested in nutrition, but yet having such a disordered relationship with food

  • How I realized I didn't have to prove my worth anymore

  • The moment in my life that changed my perspective on perfection and the fitness industry

  • The questions I asked myself that helped me realize I was on the wrong path

  • The first thing I did when I was beginning ED recovery

  • A few amazing tips you can do now to kickstart your recovery journey

  • Why I decided to abandon the name "moonfitness" a few years ago

  • How I help people move past their body image and food struggles

  • How my cellulite saved my life (read article here)

  • Why you need to accept your body as if it's permanent and will never change

  • Scripture, Food and Healing, found HERE

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