Sarah Tamburrini: How to Stop Fearing Sugar

Episode 106: Sarah Tamburrini is a certified life + wellness coach, specializing in body image and disordered eating. As a recovered self diagnosed control freak, Sarah helps women all over the world eat sugar, chocolate and candy without freaking out. Her work is grounded in the belief that transforming your mindset changes everything.

Her online digs, Practise Glow, is a place where health and happiness is measured in belly laughs instead of belly fat, self-love trumps self loathing and you'll learn how to flex your ‘food-freedom’ muscles every day. What you won’t find is fear-mongering and all-or-nothing dietary propaganda.When Sarah’s not authentically and un-apologetically living and breathing her message you can find her enjoying dessert (containing fructose), spending far too much time on Instagram, watching re-runs of MasterChef and packing her suitcase for her next getaway. For more information own how you can stop feeling out of control around food visit Practise Glow and download Sarah's free ebook: Be Free.Show notes:

  • How Sarah's career threw her into a downward spiral with food and body image

  • Don't feel shame if you're teaching a subject you struggle with the most

  • Why she became a certified life coach

  • Sarah's biggest fear that drove her into disordered eating habits (many of you will probably relate!)

  • The sugar program Sarah did that ruined her mindset

  • How living sugar-free led Sarah to feel unhappy, stressed, and isolated

  • The post Sarah wrote about this for my website (read HERE)

  • How Sarah used to go to the grocery store with a calculator just to add up the amount of sugar in the foods she bought

  • How reintroducing fruit into her diet terrified her

  • Why I can't eat stone fruits anymore

  • Let go of keeping a sugar tally in your head

  • How Sarah has been able to keep a diet-free mindset during her wedding preparations

  • Must read book: The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Connect with Sarah:

Make a one-time donation to the podcast and daily work that I do HERE.Download the journaling app Day One in the App Store HERE (phone version) or the Mac Store HERE (computer version).


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