Revealing Your Feminine in a Way He Can Metabolize

Episode 282: Madelyn Moon discusses how to gently reveal the feminine so you can create and embody all the juicy relationships that you desire. Madelyn discloses how to do this using humor, tenderness, and her favorite, sexuality. The feminine must learn how to reveal her energy and emotions in a way that’s connected to her heart. Revealing your feminine and embodying more heartfelt energy allows the masculine to go deeper, leading to the polarized relationship that so many yearn for. This episode also discusses the power of setting ground rules and boundaries. It’s important during this busy time of year to have your practices to help you move through the chaotic energy and just chill the f*ck out. Madelyn reminds you to sit with your thoughts, energy and emotions, and become comfortable with the ebb and flow of this time of year.

Show notes:

  • “Revealing your feminine is having an outward and inward demonstration of your emotional current moment to moment.”

  • Feel it in your body first if you want to feel more of your feminine. Touch your yoni; touch your breasts to create more femininity. 

  • The most powerful movements that will help to reveal the feminine. 

  • Why do we want to reveal our feminine?

  • “If you turn off your grief, you also turn off our joy.”

  • Stop robbing people from their own joy of doing something for you. 

  • Your ability to feel things is of service to the masculine in the world.

  • The deeper you go into your feminine, the more he’ll go into his masculine.

  • “Husband” your feminine. 

  • “The feminine must learn how to reveal her energy/emotions in a way that’s connected to her heart.”

  • Rather than complaining and using words, use embodiment—use sounds.

  • 3 stages of communication with David Deida episode:

  • Revealing your feminine involves humor, tenderness, sexuality.

  • "If you want to be in a polarized relationship, be willing to do something out of the box, out of the name of love."

  • Be the one to open first when you really want to close.

  • Use less words. We can get more of what we want without using words.

  • Giving what we so desperately want is the best way for him to give you what you want.

  • Why Madelyn no longer uses sarcasm. 

  • Remain unattached completely. 

  • Reveal your feminine joy.

  • There’s no glory in being a martyr. 

  • Notice if you set him up to fail before you give him a chance

  • Notice how he shows up as a reflection of you - “out feminine him”

  • Hold the pose - do it more and more and more.

Connect with Maddy:

COACHING: receive personalized, 1:1 coaching from Maddy Moon to create your own feminine and masculine embodiment. Heal your heart, build confidence, create an online business (if that’s a goal!) or simply feel happier. Apply here:

FEMININE SPIRIT SCHOOL: this school is the one-stop-shop for all things feminine energy! If you’ve been wanting to embody the feminine but feel stuck on the how, this program will take you through the entire realm from start to (well…we’re never really finished, are we?). Learn about the feminine/masculine, shadow sides, ancestral healing, boundary setting, empowerment, sensuality and sexuality, sovereignty and so much more. Sign up here:


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