The Perfection Myth

I have big news.

My book The Perfection Myth: How to Break Free From the Dogmatic Chains of Health and Dieting was released LAST WEEK!

If you’re on my mailing list, you already know this because I told you allllll about it, but for a day or so, my book reached the #1 book in 3 categories, include weight loss, self help, and diets!

It was surreal to say the least.

So many people were learning about body image, restriction, disordered eating, self-love, food fears and body respect.

If you enjoy my podcast, blog, programs, or anything else, this book is FOR YOU.

One of the best parts? It’s only $2.99 and 63 pages long.

Check it out HERE.

Or read the description below…

Learn how to free your mind from food obsessions:

Do you find yourself trapped in an endless series of diets, never really feeling satisfied with your body or your life? Do you think about food constantly? Do you believe that if you just find the perfect diet, then the rest of your life will fall into place? Unfortunately for women today, these questions are all too common. We live in a weight- and image-obsessed world. But what if you could be free from all that? What if you could finally find happiness with yourself, your body, and your food?

Why diets are not the answer:

Life doesn’t begin when you lose the “last ten pounds” or finally fit into the same size dress you wore in college. The answer is not another diet or exercise program. The answer is not deprivation or counting calories or weighing your food or creating meal plans. All the things you’ve tried in the past haven’t worked…what you need is a radical new solution that leaves you loving your life more, not waiting for the sacrifices to be over.

Learn how to eat what you want and love your life:

Meet Madelyn Moon. A competitive bodybuilder turned food freedom advocate, Moon encourages readers to ditch the diets and finally live their lives to the fullest. In her latest book, The Perfection Myth, you’ll get a glimpse of what it’s like to live in this new world of food freedom—without gaining weight—and learn how to do it for yourself. You’ll learn Moon’s 15 principles for sane eating that don’t involve calories, carbs, scales, or restrictions. Get in touch with what your body truly craves and find yourself shedding pounds with ease. Discover yourself, create unconditional body respect, and finally find food freedom.

Here’s what people are saying:

“While I initially bought this to share with my daughters (which I will do), i can’t help admitting that this middle aged man also learned some things.”

“This book is a quick read at less than 100 pages, making it great for a commute. It’s direct, honest, and utilizes a lot of the author’s own experiences to highlight why a pursuit of perfection can be a detrimental one. Much of what I read could apply to several of my clients. It was great to read what helped the author break free from her own pursuit of perfection because different things work for different people.”

“This book is as raw, real, inspirational, eye-opening and necessary as a book can possibly be. Really, it is.”

It’s only $2.99 for Kindle and slightly more for paperback. Grab your copy here:

If you like it, please leave a review in Amazon! And tell your frans!

Till next time.




The Model Health Show: Achieve Body Freedom With Madelyn Moon


Dr. Linda Bacon: Body Respect at Every Size