The Model Health Show: Achieve Body Freedom With Madelyn Moon

Episode 39: Good day, friends. Today's episode is a different one indeed. I was interviewed by Shawn Stevenson from the Model Health Show a few months back and we had such a wonderful talk that I decided to put the interview on my show too! If anything, you'll learn a bit more about me that I haven't shared on my show yet, and you'll also discover an amazing new podcast to listen to.You may remember Shawn from Episode 14 of the Mind Body Musings longggggg ago. If you never heard that one, check it out HERE. I promise, you won't want to miss out on that one either.Here's how Shawn describes this episode:One thing is for certain: you will fall in love in this lifetime.You will be head over heels, you will sacrifice anything, and you will see a beauty that words can’t describe.For many of us, we will fall in love many times…But the question is, will you ever fall in love with the most important person of all?Our society has been programmed to think that we are all incomplete. We need a love story with Tom Cruise and Rene Zellwegger to remind us how incomplete we are, and if we just find that special person it’ll be alright.The truth is, you always have been, and always will be, the answer you’ve always needed. You are complete unto yourself. You have a level of perfection that no one else can achieve… because you are a totally unique phenomenon.You deserve to be loved deeply by the most important person of all. –> YOU.Can you do that? Can you honestly say that you love yourself as much as you truly deserve? If not, then this may be one of the most important moments in your life.Today we have on Holistic Health Coach Madelyn Moon. She’s a friend and someone I truly admire for her courage to say enough is enough!She has been a high performing fitness competitor and has seen how you can easily lose track of what matters most.She’s dieted in a stricter fashion than most people will ever know, all in the name of health. But she found out at the end of the day that it was just a long, painful road to unhappiness.She reassessed things, developed some powerful transformational insights, and now is a shining example of what health can be (in our own unique way).If you live for the love of dieting, exercising, and competing, this in no way makes you wrong. Let’s celebrate what we all love, and make sure that we are giving healthy love and respect for ourselves no matter what path we choose.Madelyn has some game-changing information for you today. Just check out what you’re about to learn below:

  • What our #1 human driving force really is.

  • Why we can get so healthy that we become unhealthy.

  • How fitness magazines and other media can motivate positive AND negative habits.

  • What the dark side of fitness modeling is.

  • How food fears can lead to disordered eating.

  • Why this fitness model forced herself to stop working out.

  • Why the pictures you see of fitness models don’t tell you the full story about their health.

  • Why striving for perfection gives us a false sense of control.

  • How Instagram is making a lot of people feel guilt, shame, and even depression.

  • Why social media is showing you a “highlight reel” of people’s lives (and not the truth.)

  • The big mistake that happens when you compare yourself to others.

  • How to make the distinction between healthy self-care and disordered health practices.

  • Why labeling things as “good” or “bad” can create an internal battle.

  • Why diets actually work against your psychology.

  • Small things you can do to appreciate your uniqueness and stop comparing yourself.

  • Why we are naturally driven to eat sweet and salty foods (and why it’s not a bad thing!)

Connect with Shawn:

Check out my new book: THE PERFECTION MYTH?You can grab your copy HERE.Be sure to get podcast episode delivered right to your phone by subscribing HERE. Enjoy!

{COACHING} Desire to create an online business with your passion for helping others? Want to heal your disordered eating? Want to travel the world, but you’re holding yourself back out of fear? If you’re ready for any big change in your life, apply for my 1:1 coaching HERE


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