Paleo Banana Pancakes

Okay so I think I’ve started to master this whole “protein pancake” thing. Well, not master per say, but I’ve been trying every combo that pops in my head. Whole eggs, egg whites, powders, coconut butters, almond butters, sweet potatoes, flours, cocoa, etc. I’ve got to say this combo is one of the best ones I’ve made yet. It’s super easy and perfect for mornings.

1 banana, mashed
1 T coconut flour
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (or banana if you have it)
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
Dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and cloves

Microwave the banana a little under 1 minute to get it nice and soft. Mix in the coconut flour, protein powder, egg whites, baking powder and spices. Let the batter sit for about a minute. Lightly spread a spoonful of coconut oil on a skillet and pour the batter on top. You can nix the coconut oil and just use nonstick spray, but I love the way coconut oil makes my pancakes taste. Flip over the pancake once little bubbles start to form in the batter. This recipe should make 2 medium sized pancakes. And yes, I eat them all myself.

I topped mine with maple syrup and almonds.


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