How to Love Your Body Again

Episode 13: Today I am reading the first five steps from my free ebook How to Love Your Body Again (update- this book is now 10 Prove Steps for Ending Any Diet Obsession.) There are 10 steps in total, but I wanted to give you the first five because sometimes listening can help things to sync in better than reading. I hope that you enjoy this episode as I dig deep into a few helpful tips that have made a HUGE difference in my life.If you want to rest of the ebook,'s free. So that's no tough feat to conquer. Simply enter your email into the sidebar and you'll receive the book within a couple minutes.Here's exactly what I talk about in this show:

  • Moving from MoonFitness to Mind Body Musings on Twitter and Instagram

  • Simplifying nutrition

  • Accepting hunger as if it's an alarm

  • Stop confusing fitness with leanness

  • Move your body in a way that's fun

  • Understand social media is misleading

Click below to listen to Episode 13 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.

And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes HERE (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!)Enjoy! 


Shawn Stevenson: Upgrading Food Quality, Primal Desires and Sleeping Smarter


Michelle Yeager: Living with Intuition, Accepting Your Body, and How to Break Free From The Dieting Rut