Loving Lately

Hey what is going on, my gorgeous souls?

There have been a lot of amazing things going on in my life, and I owe it all to inspiration. Really.

I’m constantly seeking out new inspirations in my little world that will keep my fire lit. And it’s working.

Some of these inspirations are in the forms of people. Some are in words. Some are in food. Some are in books and music. This is a short list of things that I have been attracted to recently, and which have, in turn, helped me to attract positive energy back.

After you read this, will you comment and let me know if you like posts like this? I don’t want to waste my time or yours, so please let me know if this is something you want to see more of or if it’s not really all that valuable to you. Thanks so much, beautiful babe.

So what have I been loving lately? Here we go…

1. This poster from Healthy is the New Skinny.

“When you stop comparing yourself to others you are then able to become the BEST version of yourself.”

How true is that?

If you have been following me for awhile, you know that I believe comparison is where happiness goes to diet. Kapoof. The end. No more.

It’s so easy to get lost in jealousy, but something as simple as adopting more gratitude in your life can turn that around. This poster is a great reminder to stop comparing yourself to other people and to start enjoying the flesh and bones you’ve been blessed with. Your body loves you. Time to love it back.

2. The Purpose Principles by Jake Ducey

I almost have no words for this. It’s simply a must-have. Jake Ducey is somebody that I recently discovered and I can’t get enough of him.

This book is filled with the story behind big names (Jim Carrey, Jay-Z, Oprah, Bob Marley, etc) and how they failed numerous times before succeeding. It dives deep into the “why” these people where successful so that we can learn from them. It’s very motivational and I recommend it to every person in the world. Literally.

Here’s where you can get it: http://amzn.to/1KYfwUG

3. Gabrielle Bernstein. Period.

I recently went to a spiritual workshop and two women told me that I remind them of Gabby Bernstein.

At the time, I wasn’t all too sure who she was but I went home and checked her out.

I’ve never been so flattered in all my life!

So now, naturally, I’m watching Gabby Bernstein’s website and reading her books for inspiration. She’s a great role model for me considering that she does everything I am aiming to do. Who is your inspiration?

4. The Paleo Miracle 2: Women of Strength

Can you spot me?

I recently had my story published in this book. If you want to read some of the most incredible, eye-opening stories of women this book is definitely for you. Even if it’s just a coffee table book!

These stories will make you both cry and laugh. You’ll want to eat bacon, lift weights, do yoga, and adopt balance all at the same time. What other book can possibly do that?!

Check it out and get a copy here: http://bit.ly/1yd6DB9

5. Primal 90 Sessions

This. Right. Here.

Primal 90 Session is an incredible new interview-based platform where you can watch wellness experts go into detail about their expertise once a day! Most summits like to pack in 15 interviews in 24 hours, which can be extremely frustrating for full-time workers, but Primal 90 isn’t like that…just one interview a day! That’s it.

Starting February 1st, you can learn how to undo negative self-talk, increase energy, fix PCOS, balance hormones and tons more. No pressure or stress, just amazing interviews.

Check it out: http://bit.ly/1wiHq2Q

6. Trader Joe’s Multigrain Blend with Vegetables

I eat this like nobody’s business. A cup of this with sautéed tempeh in coconut oil, plus a little broccoli makes Madelyn and very happy carb-filled camper.

So, what are you loving lately? Do you enjoy these “loving lately” posts? 

Looking for inspiration? This list of books, people and interviews will fuel your passion!


Emily Jean: Why Clean Eating Sucks, the Importance of Language and Understanding the Term Balance


The Truth About Naked Fitness Competitors