Heather Waxman and Kasey Arena: Discovering BODYpeace and Being True to You

Episode 27: "Wait around in the mud and get dirty because your discovery is a beautiful, beautiful f@$*% mess."Heather Waxman is a self-love coach, author, and speaker. She was a meditation expert for Tone It Up’s wildly successful Love Your Body series and is a monthly columnist for Over the Moon magazine. Heather, called the “inner peace guru,” breathes new life an air of rawness into the spiritual conversation. Through her deeply healing and transformational meditations & vlogs and her willingness to be open and vulnerable with her followers, Heather has created a tight-knit and loving community of soul sisters who support one another on their spiritual paths.If you hang out with Heather, you’ll most likely see a trail of white feathers following you around (it’s true!).Kasey Arena is a Certified Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Corporate Fitness Professional and has a Bachelor's Degree in Health & Physical Education. Kasey is a fitness, health, and food enthusiast and the creator and voice behind the POWERCAKES.net. Kasey has a great passion and enthusiasm for fitness, fueling your body, cooking and baking. She prides herself on teaching and inspiring others to find their own balance in life. Kasey stresses a personal outlook with her motto, "Be true to you!" and truly believes that you can live an abundant life in all areas as long as you stay true to yourself.Check out Kasey in 2015 at KaseyArena.com to join her online True To You Fitness community with weekly workouts, training tips, monthly fuel your body cooking videos, special discounts, group challenges, & bonus coaching.I had a FANTASTIC time talking with these two girls. Kasey and I share incredibly similar stories (honestly, it's freaky) and Heather has this incredible depth to her that I just want to learn more and more about.Together, these women are on to great things.

Here's what we talk about in this episode:

  • Heather's eating disorder from pre-birth to childhood to her teenage years and her

  • How you can compliment people without triggering a label or identity (<< so insightful)

  • Kasey's experience with body image and obsessive dieting and how she found her "normal" again

  • Moving around your triggers vs moving through them

  • A few simple tools to help you start your own BODYpeace discovery

  • What to do if you're in a relationship that's constantly triggering negative body thoughts

  • The importance of finding your own truth and letting yourself be messy in the process

Here's where you can link up with Kasey and Heather:

Click below to listen to Episode 27 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.

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