Justin Janoska: Probiotics, Cruciferous Vegetables and Eating Your Fats

Episode 24: Today we’re talking with a man that’s on a mission to challenge pretty much everything that’s mainstream in regards to health and nutrition. He knows that the government is misleading when it comes to nutritional factors such as cholesterol, saturated fat, and dairy, and similarly, he also believes the media is preaching the wrong message in terms of fitness and what it means to have a strong mind body connection.Justin Janoska does not pick sides when it comes to different diets such as vegan, paleo, atkins and the likes because he believes every single body is made differently and therefore must be treated with individual care and attention. Justin’s approach revolves around reconnecting people back to nature; how our ancestors lived by embracing a sound and basic relationship with the most nutritious foods available to us- foods that are critical to the health of our genome. With this goal in mind, he created his blog Engineer your Genome where he provides guidance and concrete health information as well as individual coaching.Here's what we talk about today:

  • Why the gut is your "second brain" and how to populate more good bacteria

  • Cruciferous vegetables and the importance of consuming plenty of micronutrients

  • Why no single food will EVER make you "fat"

  • Competition prep and unhealthy dietary restriction

  • All the wonderful things about eating fat

  • Being balanced in your nutritional choices and eating based on activity levels

  • Why social media is a double-edged sword

Wanna link up with Justin?

Click below to listen to Episode 24 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast. And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes HERE (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!). Enjoy!


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