Jordan Younger: Breaking Vegan and Recovering from Orthorexia

Episode 79: Jordan Younger is the blogger behind top-read health and lifestyle blog The Balanced Blonde. She is also the creator of the health-inspired conscious clothing line TBV Apparel, which now retails internationally. Jordan lives in sunny Los Angeles with her kitten Hudson where she blogs full-time and just released her first book, an eating disorder recovery memoir titled Breaking Vegan.This is Jordan's second time to appear on the podcast (listen to our first conversation here) and I'm so happy to have her back. If I were to have any "cyber twin" out there, I would have to say that she is it. We have gone through so many of the same things in regards to veganism, extremism, obsession and disordered eating behavior. I know that if you resonate with my message, you're definitely going to love hers!By the way, HERE is a video we were in together earlier this year :)

Show notes:

  • Jordan's history of juice cleanses, IBS, plant-based eating and orthorexia

  • What happened when Jordan announced on her blog that she would no longer be vegan

  • How we both have blamed our stomach issues when we want to follow a diet

  • How she's learning to balance out her extremist nature

  • The "shame" aspect of wanting to try out a new way of eating as a recovering orthorexic

  • How Jordan has been handling the backlash from the title of her new book

  • Jordan's favourite part about her book (and mine!)

Connect with Jordan:

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