Isabel Foxen Duke: Overcoming Emotional Eating, Facing Your Fear of Weight & Defining Beauty

Episode 3: In this episode, I speak with Isabel Foxen Duke AKA one of the smartest most down-to-earth females in the health coaching world.Isabel Foxen Duke helps women stop being crazy about food and weight. She is a certified health coach and emotional eating expert. She teaches women how to make choices around food effortlessly, without obsessing, counting every calorie and/or binge-eating in the middle of the night. She knows that all women can have the lives they dream about (the ones they think they’ll get once they’re thin enough). For more articles, visit and download How To Not Eat Chocolate Cake.I had tons of questions for her, but here's a run down of what we cover in this episode:

  • Isabel's past relationship with food, binge eating, and body image and how she developed food freedom

  • Where intuitive eating can go wrong

  • Why food restrictions create a desire to rebel

  • The huge correlation between emotional eating and the fear of weight gain

  • The two primary categories of body image problems that need to be resolved

  • How insecurity is dressed up like a "fat" feeling, and why you need to commit to confronting that feeling (cause you're not actually fat).

  • Challenging the social norm in the media

  • The importance of surrounding yourself by people of all shapes and sizes and learning to compliment them.

Links mentioned in this episode:

  • Isabel Foxen Duke's Website

  • Get her FREE free video training series to STOP FIGHTING FOOD HERE

Additional links mentioned in this post:

Click below to play the direct download of Episode 3 of Mind Body Musings with Isabel Foxen Duke.Click here to subscribe and listen to Mind Body Musings in iTunes:


Introducing Maddy Moon (juicy details enclosed!)


Matt Stone: Creating a High Metabolic Rate, Eating With Instinct & the Importance of Rest