Hungry for Satiation

There’s something about being full that’s so attractive.

There’s also something about being hungry that’s so attractive.

Then there’s the fine line where you’re so hungry you can’t focus on your work. Or you’re so stuffed that you just want to sleep.

Many people have these cycles under control, and to you, I stand up and say bravo. But for those of you struggling to find a comfortable balance between hunger and fullness, you’re not alone.

There’s a word that’s been on my mind a lot lately…it’s satiation. It means to be satisfied and comfortably full. Satiation is a place that was really unfamiliar to me for so many years. I was either starving for food or feeling stuffed, bloated and all those nasty adjectives we try to avoid. I didn’t even know what satiation meant, until I experienced it.

And I’m not talking about experiencing just belly satiation, I’m talking about mental satiation. For the first time in years, I developed a satiation of the mind. And oddly enough, all other forms of satiation just fell into place.

I looked down at my body and I was satisfied.
I looked at my bank account and I was grateful.
I looked at my things and knew they was enough.
I envisioned my future and I liked what I saw.
I thought about the friends I have and smiled, because I have plenty.
I thought about the friends I lost and felt appreciation, because I’m better for it.
I thought about my diet and…wait no, I didn’t think about my diet. Because I don’t have a “diet.”

I not only feel free from restrictions but I feel satiated. I’m trying to learn how to tell others about this amazing balance I’ve found. The hard part is, I don’t even realize how I found it. I don’t have a step one, a step two and a step three.

But on the other hand, I have been taking note of daily rituals I’ve been conducting to help me not fall back into old self-critical ways. If you’re on the road to satiation, start here.

1. Walk to your bathroom mirror and don’t fidget. Keep your hair in it’s place. Keep your lips glossless. And tell yourself you’re beautiful.

2. Go a day without eating much protein, so that you know you will live through it. Go a day without eating 6 times, so that you know you will not die. Go a day without meal timing at all, so that you know you are still in touch with your tuition.

3. Take a picture with friends, look at it and say you love it, no matter how you feel. Refuse to dislike the image you see before you and instead, chose to appreciate everything about it.

4. Cook your own meals and take your time. When you make a meal with love, you digest it just the same.

5. LIFT SOME HEAVY WEIGHTS. Cause that’s just the best therapy ever.

6. This one may seem strange, but nix the loofah. Wash yourself with your own hands. The more you touch the parts of your body that you “dislike” the more you may come to appreciate them. It’s a therapeutic tool I’ve been using for years.

7. Last but not least, feed yourself with foods that you know will create satiation. Eat more fats. Colorful, creative and well-thought out dishes are satisfying in themselves. Eating them is just the cherry on top.

I hope you enjoy my Hungry for Satiation tips, as I will be making this a regular post on my blog! I think we all hunger for satiation in some aspect of our lives, whether it’s in our career, relationships, spiritual life, diet, exercise, or what have you.

Message me if you would like to share how you have found satiation in your own life and I may just share it in a post-


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