Hanna Bier: How to Embrace Discomfort, Navigate Traumas and Process Emotions

Episode 83: Hanna Bier is a Mentor-Masterclass certified Life Coach and Emotional Healing Specialist helping gifted creatives get out of their own way by healing their emotions, so that they can realize their big visions in the world while having fun and loving life.She is the founder of Free Spirited Life Coaching and has been featured in various publications like The Elephant Journal, Over The Moon Magazine and The Numinous.Whenever she's not coaching you can find her dangling from trees and going on adventures.Show notes:

  • How Hanna grew up feeling "different" from everybody else

  • How her eating disorder helped her navigate the most traumatic areas of her life

  • Why it's important to treats kids as humans first and foremost

  • Why Hanna inevitably replaced her eating disorder with alcoholism

  • Leaning into discomfort and embracing whatever is going on in your life in order to see change

  • How Hanna works with her clients to make magic

  • The Graveyard Book

  • The Kirtan Kriya Yoga Songs

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