Erin Brown: Raising Confident Daughters and Increasing Your Own Self-Worth

Episode 26: Today I’m talking with a strong voice in the body image industry who’s goal is to help women feel worthy, beautiful and powerful instead of always “not enough.”Erin Brown started this journey because she wanted her daughter to grow up surrounded by women who don’t devalue any part of themselves as unimportant or wrong. Being overweight at a young age, she had to deal with the cruelty of schoolmates and a plunges self esteem as time went on. After finding out she was pregnant with her first child, she knew things had to change and the process would be long but well worth it. After a 90 pound weight loss, she made it her life mission to inspire women to live their best lives and not be burdened with a need to chase an ever-changing ideal.Here's some insight into today's show:

  • Erin's inspiring weight loss story & wanting to improve her self worth

  • Two small changes anyone can make who is needing to lose some weight for health reasons

  • How Erin and I are listening to our bodies when it comes to breakfast (spoiler- I don't eat what you probably think I eat!)

  • Confidence in a relationship

  • How to raise confident, body-respecting daughters & the external struggles that come with it

  • How to handle and perceive celebrities such as Meghan Trainor that are saying fairly insensitive comments

  • Taylor Swift and Feminism

  • Top 3 tips for falling back in love with your body

Here's where you can link up with Erin:

Click below to listen to Episode 26 of the Mind Body Musings Podcast.

And if you NEVER want to miss an episode, subscribe to this podcast in iTunes HERE (and please leave a review to let me know what you liked about the show!). Enjoy!


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